An unheard of group "Pastors' Rapid Response Team" is warning church leaders to expect violence from the gays after the California Supreme Court rules on Prop 8. They have been kind enough to raise the fear and pitchfork level with e-mails on how to respond to us gays.
Here is the e-mail:
Greetings, Pastors and Leaders.
As you know, the California Supreme Court heard oral arguments in March regarding the legal challenges to Article 1, Section 7.5 of the California Constitution (formerly known as Proposition 8). Their decision will be coming down any day and while we don't know the exact date, it could be made public as early as tomorrow, Friday, or one day next week.
Based on the observations of legal experts, it is expected that the court will uphold Article 1, Section 7.5, keeping it in the Constitution. However, the court will probably also uphold the several thousand "marriages" that occurred between June and Election Day in 2008.
Because of the imminent arrival of the court's decision, it is important to be aware of the public reaction to this decision.
If the decision is in our favor, it is not unreasonable to expect an angry response, perhaps even violence, from those who are opposed. On their websites, some opposed to Prop 8 have said things like, "Take your anger to the streets," so it's possible that the reaction could be significantly more severe than the violence that took place in the days immediately following the passage of Prop 8.
Therefore, as pastors and leaders, we must be prepared for such reactions occurring near us, perhaps even in our own churches.
Be Prepared
We are blessed to have received a very comprehensive list of church security ideas courtesy of Erik Stanley with the Alliance Defense Fund. These are outstanding ideas that will go a long way in order to make certain your church remains secure, and that everything will be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40). Please take time to review this information, included below, and forward it to those in your church who need to see it and make the necessary preparations.
To quickly summarize what needs to be done, it can be boiled down to these primary steps:
Make sure every worship service is videotaped.
Make sure someone in the church (an usher or someone with similar responsibilities) has instructions to call 911 immediately.
Plan with the church staff and church leadership the steps that will be taken in the event of any attempt to disrupt one of your worship services.
Remember that we are all in this together! The Lord has raised up all of us and brought us together to change the history of our country. We were all a part of a massive work that our God has done in our midst. We need to-we must-stand together!
With that in mind, would you please send an email to let us know of any attempts to disrupt one of your worship services, any acts of vandalism, any "hate" mail or email, any acts of violence? We will compile a master list of as many acts of hatred as is possible - violence, disruptions, vandalism, mail, email, phone calls.
The reason for this request? For one, to heighten the fervency and intensity of our prayer for one another. For another, to alert the casual observers in our state to what has been occurring. It is important for us to realize that our brothers and sisters are suffering persecution for simply participating in our nation's democratic process and voting their values, and we must stand more closely together.
Please don't hesitate to contact us with any of your questions on this, or to request further help.
We will let you know about the court announcement as soon as we know, and we will also notify you of the time and date of a webinar/conference call where we will provide you with additional information based on that decision. Please be looking for that email.
This battle is not over, not by a long shot! We will have to stand, and stand again, on this principle of marriage. We have seen the Lord bring us together, stand us together side by side, and pass Prop 8; let us remain side by side so together we can see Him protect what He has done!
Be blessed today,
Chris Clark
Pastors' Rapid Response Team
"webinar, conference call and e-mail.....HEY dumb ass not only is your thinking out of date but "conference call?" I'll tweet you when we are on the way to over run the church.
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