Peter Tatchell twittering from Moscow gay march says: Free from police station but am deeply worried about Slavic Pride organiser Nikolai Alekseev. Haven't heard anything since his arrest.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Rick Day's Hot Photobook Players Now Out

A true Southerner, self-taught photographer Rick Day moved to New York City in 1994, where he quickly became a noted name in fashion photography. His work has been published in Elle, Details, Teen Vogue and GQ, and he has done advertising campaigns for Gap and Rufskin.
Players, his first photobook, is all about perfectly staged and all-too-revealing sweaty sportswear. The book is available at amazon. (All right who took our office copy!)
gay books,
gay News,
Rick Day Players
Michael Steel Says Gay Marriage A Burden On Business

"Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele recast the gay marriage debate as a fiscal issue Saturday, saying allowing same-sex couples to marry places a financial burden on business.
In a breakfast speech to delegates of the Georgia Republican convention, Steele put himself in the shoes of a small business owner having to pay for health care and life insurance for a same-sex couple.
“Now all of a sudden I’ve got someone who wasn’t a spouse before, that I had no responsibility for, who is now getting claimed as a spouse that I now have financial responsibility for,” Steele said. “So how do I pay for that? Who pays for that? You just cost me money.”
Steele said he used that argument weeks ago while chatting on a flight with a college student who described herself as fiscally conservative but socially liberal on issues like gay marriage.
That example, Steele said, should serve as an example to Republicans of how to retool their message to appeal to a broader base — such as young people and minorities — without sacrificing the party’s core conservative beliefs.
“You don’t have to wear your pants cut down here or the big bling,” Steele said, poking fun at his previous pledge to give the GOP a “hip-hop makeover.” “It’s a metaphor for taking this party to places and to people that we’ve either forgotten about, ignored or feel don’t want to engage with us.”
gay News,
Michael Steele,
same-sex couples gay news
A New Wave Of Phishing Attacks Hitting Facebook

Have you received some odd messages from your friends on Facebook lately? Are they suddenly attempting to sell you pharmaceuticals? Or perhaps you've received a cryptic "Check this out!" followed by a link to a page that looks something like Facebook, only it asks you for your log-in information again? It's a common phishing tactic, and scammers have recently been blanketing Facebook with it.
A new wave of phishing and spamming attacks is hitting Facebook users as scammers attempt to get hold of their passwords, the social networking site acknowledged in a statement.
Similar phishing and spamming scams -- in which messages supposedly from their friends lure victims to a malicious Web site -- have been occurring with greater intensity since the end of April.
The sites typically display a fake, though convincing-looking, Facebook page where users are prompted to input their login information. In addition, spam messages -- supposedly from Facebook friends -- display links to online pharmacies, according to Graham Cluley, senior technical consultant for Sophos.
Facebook is currently attempting to block the links to phishing sites. Site managers are also making efforts to scrub the links from users' Wall posts and reset the passwords of affected individuals.
The attacks are thought to be related to the phishing campaign that struck the site a few weeks ago, Facebook said.
(Damn and we thought that guy from China really liked us)
facebook phishing,
gay News,
spamming attacks
Russian Police Crush Gay Rights Event

Russian police have broken up a gay pride march in the country's capital.
The march was held on the date of the final of the Eurovision song contest, with marchers complaining about discrimination against the county's gay and lesbian community.
British gay rights advocate Peter Tatchell was one of those arrested by the police. Speaking to reporters upon his arrest, Mr Tatchell said: "This shows the Russian people are not free."
Another leader of Russia's gay rights movement Nikolai Alexeyev was also among those detained.
Moscow's mayor Yuri Luzhkov has previously described gay rallies as "satanic" and claimed that they had a destructive impact on the country's society.
gay News,
gay pride march,
Peter Tatchell,
Obama Names Anti-Equal Marriage Mormon As Ambassador

President Barack Obama named Republican Utah Gov. Jon M. Huntsman Jr. as his pick for ambassador to China, likely removing one of his strongest potential challengers in the 2012 presidential campaign from the running.
In an unusual Saturday announcement broadcast live on some cable networks, Obama acknowledged that Huntsman’s decision might not be easy for him to explain to the Republican Party.
And Huntsman said he, as a former national co-chairman for Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign, never expected “to be called into action by the person who beat us,” but added that "When the president of the United States asks you step up and serve in a capacity like this, that to me is the end of the conversation and the beginning of the obligation to rise to the challenge."
The move is freighted with political intrigue. Huntsman, who speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese, quickly emerged after November as one of the leading moderate GOP voices. While he does not support same sex marriage, and fully supported a state amendment to ban equal marriage (That passed) he says he is alright with civil unions.
Anti Gay MP Iris Robinson In Hot Water For Expenses

Northern Ireland MPs Iris Robinson and her husband Peter both tried to claim for the same £1,223 expenses bill on the same day.
Mrs Robinson, who once described homosexuality as an "abomination", was exposed in the latest round of expense receipts published by the Daily Telegraph.
The Democratic Unionist Party MPs have come under scrutiny for their financial affairs before, with a tabloid newspaper reporting last month that they claim almost £600,000 a year in salaries and expenses.
Earlier this year, police said Mrs Robinson would not be prosecuted over remarks she had made about gays.
Speaking to the Belfast Telegraph last summer, she said: "I cannot think of anything more sickening than a child being abused. It is comparable to the act of homosexuality. I think they are all comparable. I feel totally repulsed by both."
She also suggested that there are therapies to "cure" people of homosexuality, saying: "I have a very lovely psychiatrist who works with me in my offices and his Christian background is that he tries to help homosexuals trying to turn away from what they are engaged in.
"And I have met people who have turned around to become heterosexual."
Shortly after her outburst, Mrs Robinson's son Gareth was photographed kissing a man and sitting on his knee at a Belfast party.
gay News,
Iris Robinson,
Northern Ireland gay news
Majority Of Americans Now ‘Pro-life,’ Poll Says

The Gallup group is releasing poll just ahead of Obama's scheduled commencement speech Sunday at the University of Notre Dame, where he also is to receive an honorary degree. Those plans by the Roman Catholic university have sparked a wave of protests by anti-abortion activists, who contend Notre Dame should not honor a such a prominent supporter of abortion rights.
Gallup said its new poll showed for the first time in 15 years an increase in the pro-life position across Christian religious affiliations, including an eight-point gain among Protestants and a seven-point gain among Catholics. It also reported a 10-point shift toward the pro-life category among Republicans but said there was no significant change among Democrats. 51 percent of Americans now call themselves "pro-life" rather than "pro-choice" on the issue of abortion.
"Ironically, Obama's radical abortion policies and nominees may have helped make America more pro-life," said Wendy Wright, president of the ultra right wing group, Concerned Women for America.
The Rev. Richard Land, president of the Anti Gay Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, said the poll findings demonstrate that the anti-abortion cause "is a vibrant, growing, youthful movement."
"We are winning the battle for hearts and minds in our culture on the life issue," he said.
May are speculating as to Gallops motive's for releasing this poll on the eve of Obama's address at the Catholic University of Notre Dame.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Dirty Talk From A Gay Porn Star

"It’s definitely harder work than most people could ever imagine. For example, being gang-banged by five megahung tops for two consecutive eight-hour days works much better as a fantasy than a reality."
—C.J. Knight
(We wouldn't mind some hard work with him)
Gay Web Sites Under DDos Attack By Hackers
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Nevada Governor Will Veto Domestic Partnership Bill

"A bill that would allow same-sex couples to enter into domestic partnerships, with many of the rights of married couples, passed the Nevada Assembly Friday.
Senate Bill 283 now goes to the desk of Gov. Jim Gibbons, who has said he will veto it. The bill passed in the Senate 12-9.
Advocates for the bill have been working to try to find two votes to override Gibbons' veto.
Voters amended the constitution to ban same-sex marriage, voting overwhelmingly for the ban in 2000 and 2002."
Twitter Causes Gay Marriage Hysteria

Because some people are irredeemably stupid and nobody pays attention to anything, thousands of Twitter users rejoiced today at the news that the California Supreme Court just overturned the state's gay marriage ban. One year ago.
This will be studied by sociologists and anthropologists for years to come. At roughly noon today, someone "Tweeted" the news that the California Supreme Court had overturned the state's ban on gay marriage, supplying their "followers" with a Los Angeles Times story link as proof. The story, as anyone who can read could read, was dated May 16, 2008, right at the top, and was written back when the California Supreme Court did, in fact, find that gay couples have a right to marry under the state's constitution and, vitally, about six months before California voters amended the state's constitution to re-ban gay marriage.
But Twitter doesn't sweat the details! Thousands of users "re-Tweeted" it or whatever, and before you know it, the Los Angeles Times' own f*cking Twitter feed was sending the gay marriage news out to its 19,700-plus followers.
People began to celebrate and re-tweet the news. People were literally writing that they were crying at their desks at the news that gay people can get married in California now, when they in fact can't, because no one—not even the intern in charge of the Los Angeles Times's Twitter feed!—actually read the damn story.
So how did it happen? Twitter's time-stamping is fuzzy, so it's impossible to locate the original offending Tweet with precision. But one candidate for Patient Zero is Meredith Modzelewski, the Brooklyn blogger whose Tweet about the story showed up earliest in Twitter's search results. Interestingly, Modzelewski linked to a now-dead ABC News story, not the L.A. Times piece.
Contacted by the media, Modzelewski says—ironically—that she first heard the fake news through a pre-Twitter mode of communication: "From a friend" who in turn had read about it on someone's Facebook page. The fact that Modzelewski first came up with an ABC News story, and that it later became an L.A. Times story—not to mention the fact that it's the one-year anniversary—indicates that an orchestrated campaign was underway to spread the news. Modzelewski may have just been among the first people to bring it to Twitter.
So she "Tweeted" it and the next thing you know it's a Twitter shitstorm and the L.A. Times is embarrassingly "Tweeting" that it's earlier "Tweet" "does not reflect any new news" and linking to it's "full, current Prop. 8 coverage." This is what happens when you communicate 140 characters at a time.
California gay news,
gay marriage,
gay News,
twitter news
Rachel Maddow Called "Little Boy" By Anti-Gay Radio Host

"Andrew Wilkow guest hosted Mark Levin's right-wing radio show on Sirius XM (one of the highest-rated right-wing talk radio shows in America).
The full remarks aimed at Maddow: "You, the idiot taxpayer, are paying the salary of that nice little boy, Rachel Maddow . . . Keith Olbermann’s nephew, Rachel Maddow"He also went on later in the program to insult celebrity-gossiper Perez Hilton.
"Perez Hilton, who I am now terming a vile sodomite . . . yeah, Perez, you’re a vile sodomite – doesn’t that word have a ring to it – sodomite — and vile – vile sodomite – it just sounds so good to hear in my headphones – vile sodomite . . . . I’m not sure whose idea it was to have an overweight homosexual . . . What do gays constitute? They could announce the cure for AIDS on Logo and nobody would know for two weeks . . . And again, Perez Hilton, you’re a vile sodomite . . . and then this vile sodomite" Scroll down to the bottom of Andrew Wilkow's Sirius page, to his "what do you think?" section. I am sure you all have a few words."
gay News,
keith olbermann,
perez hilton,
Rachel Maddow
Aging Gays

"In June, the queer community will celebrate the 40th anniversary of Stonewall. Along with that celebration comes the reality that many who were on the front lines of the queer civil-rights movement are now on a different front line as the first generation of out elderly queers.In 2009, some of the best-known voices of the queer community are that entity that truly dares not speak its name: old.Martin Duberman, author of “Stonewall” and one of the foremost queer historians, turns 79 in August. Katherine V. Forrest, writer and head of the Lambda Literary Foundation, will be 70 in September. Adrienne Rich, one of the nation’s most lauded poets — and a lesbian — has her 80th birthday on May 16. U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) is 69. David Mixner, who spearheaded gay-rights issues under the Clinton administration, is 63. Comedian Kate Clinton is 62.According to the National Lesbian and Gay Task Force, concomitant with the overall aging of the Baby Boomer generation (those born between 1945-62), there are currently 3 million elder LGBT people in the U.S. NLGTF estimates that within 20 years, that number will double.With its emphasis on perpetual youthfulness, the realities of aging in the LGBT community have long been ignored. Older LGBT people have found themselves increasingly marginalized within their own community, where programs and meeting places for people over 50 are scarce to non-existent."
This is part of a great article on (PGN) an eye opening read.
Will We Be Counted In Census?
President Barack Obama is just so very busy (breaking promises), he doesn't have time to deal with The Gays yet! But somehow openly gay Reps. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, Barney Frank of Massachusetts, and Jared Polis of Colorado found a few minutes to draft a letter to Peter Orszag, director of the Office of Management and Budget, and demand the millions of dollars taxpayers — which include homos, BTW — will spend on the 2010 Census go toward counting gay and lesbian couples.
Supreme Court Possible Is Anti-Gay Marriage

Georgia Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears, considered a potential nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court, has drawn criticism from gay rights groups after announcing plans to join a think tank whose founder is an outspoken opponent of gay marriage.
The nation’s first black female chief justice of a state supreme court, announced this week she will join the New York-based Institute for American Values when she retires June 30.
She has declined to address speculation about a possible nomination to succeed retiring Justice David Souter, who will leave the Supreme Court when it ends its current session in June. Sears has appeared on several lists of possible candidates to succeed Souter, according to officials familiar with President Barack Obama’s deliberations.
26th Annual International AIDS Candlelight Memorial

This Sunday, New Zealanders across the country will be among the first people in the world to light candles to mark the 26th Annual International AIDS Candlelight Memorial.
Auckland gay news,
gay New Zealand gay news
Gay Man Murdered On Eve Of Marriage
Fredericksburg, Texas native Mark Scott Harriss was gunned down in the driveway of his home in Delray Beach, Fla., on Monday, and police don’t know why or by who. But one of Harriss’ friends says he believes it may have been an anti-gay hate crime. Harriss moved to Florida from Texas in 2007 and planned to move again to Canada in the next few months so he could marry his partner. Harriss will be cremated and buried in New Braunfels.
Happy Birtday
Happy Birtday: Jamie-Lynn Sigler is 28 today. Artist Jasper Johns is 79. Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright is turning 72. Ahmet Zappa is turning 35.
California Senate Approves Harvy Milk Day
The California Senate has approved legislation that would designate a day each year to honor slain gay rights leader Harvey Milk.
The bill by Sen. Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, would designate each May 22—Milk's birthday—as a "day of special significance" to recognize the late San Francisco supervisor's contributions to the state.
It would not be an official holiday so there would be no cost to state government. The bill encourages but doesn't require schools to teach about Milk's legacy.
Milk was the first openly gay man elected to public office in California. He was assassinated in 1978.
The measure passed, 24-14, with one Republican vote. It now heads to the Assembly.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a nearly identical bill last year.
The bill by Sen. Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, would designate each May 22—Milk's birthday—as a "day of special significance" to recognize the late San Francisco supervisor's contributions to the state.
It would not be an official holiday so there would be no cost to state government. The bill encourages but doesn't require schools to teach about Milk's legacy.
Milk was the first openly gay man elected to public office in California. He was assassinated in 1978.
The measure passed, 24-14, with one Republican vote. It now heads to the Assembly.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a nearly identical bill last year.
Alanis Morissette Going Nude On "Weeds"
Alanis Morissette has a new gig. She'll be appearing on the upcoming season of Showtime's provocative series, "Weeds."
Morissette will play Dr. Audra Kitson, an obstetrician who looks after the pregnant, pot-growing widow Nancy Botwin played by Mary-Louise Parker.
Her character is scheduled to have a fling with series regular Andy. Reports say that she will have at least one nude scene.
Morissette will play Dr. Audra Kitson, an obstetrician who looks after the pregnant, pot-growing widow Nancy Botwin played by Mary-Louise Parker.
Her character is scheduled to have a fling with series regular Andy. Reports say that she will have at least one nude scene.
Alanis Morissette Weeds,
entertainment news,
"God Hates Fags" Minister Going To Scotland

We said it here first! "Ian Watson seems to be one step away from carrying a "God hates Fags" sign beside the road" And today we here this: Anti gay Rev Ian Watson who compared supporters of gay clergy to the Nazis is getting a visit of support.
US pastor Fred Phelps, who was last week placed on a list of 16 people banned from entering the UK.
"Baptist preacher, Fred Phelps, who presides over Westboro Baptist Church, believes homosexuality is destroying America and pickets the funerals of AIDS victims, chanting 'God hates fags'.
His supporters are reportedly planning to travel to Scotland to picket over Rennie's ordination.
According to their picket schedule, they intend to be at the General Assembly meeting over the issue in Edinburgh on May 23rd.
A Home Office spokesman said it would be difficult to deny them entry if they have valid visas."
(What did we say???? Who said it first??? We did. Crazy people want to be around crazy people.)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
British Adoption Agency Called "Nazis" Over Gay Adoption
The British Association for Adoption and Fostering has come under fire for describing people who object to gay couples adopting as "retarded homophobes".
The Daily Mail has attacked the BAAF for being "adoption Nazis".
The "retarded homophobes" phrase was used in a pamphlet for potential gay and lesbian adoptive parents and also on the website, although the word "retarded" has now been removed from the site.
Religious groups and disability campaigners have reacted angrily to the statement, calling it offensive.
Would-be gay adopters were told: "Most importantly, don't worry about society.
"Children need good parents much more than retarded homophobes need an excuse to whinge, so don't let your worries about society's reaction hinder your desire and ability to give a child a loving caring home."
The Daily Mail has attacked the BAAF for being "adoption Nazis".
The "retarded homophobes" phrase was used in a pamphlet for potential gay and lesbian adoptive parents and also on the website, although the word "retarded" has now been removed from the site.
Religious groups and disability campaigners have reacted angrily to the statement, calling it offensive.
Would-be gay adopters were told: "Most importantly, don't worry about society.
"Children need good parents much more than retarded homophobes need an excuse to whinge, so don't let your worries about society's reaction hinder your desire and ability to give a child a loving caring home."
Thursday News Bites

- Sara Palin is defending topless photo model Miss California Carrie Prejean. (LAT)
- Bong Boy Michael Phelps is back in the pool (WP)
- Uruguay to lift gay military ban (MSNBC)
- Buffalo, New York man was possible victim of gay bashing in the heart of New York's west village (NYDN)
- Gay Olympic gold medallist (and hunk) Matthew Mitcham will be the surprise judge at this Sunday’s BGF Bake-Off in Sydney, Australia (SSO)
- Same-Sex Marriages Begin In Sweden (SFBT)
Victoria Gotti To Bank, I'm Not Going

Gotti Will Not Give In, You didn't really expect Victoria Gotti to let JPMorgan Chase take her marble palace away from her without a fight, did you? That's not how the Gotti family rolls, as history has shown us on more than one occasion. Gotti appeared in federal court in Brooklyn yesterday and blamed the non-payment of her mortgage on her ex-husband, Carmine Agnello, vowing that the bank would never get its hands on the property. "I'm never going to lose the home," she explained. If you're a JPMorgan shareholder, consider this a good indication that the bank may be forced to shell out more than the $348,000 it spent last year providing Jamie Dimon with a security detail. (Makes us wish her show was still on...ok maybe not)
New Hampshire Governor Will Sign Equal Marriage Bill

New Hampshire Governor John Lynch issued a written statement today saying he would sign the marriage equality legislation, provided changes are made to protect religious institutions. Here is a copy of his (long ass) statement:
"The gay marriage debate in New Hampshire has been filled with passion and emotion on all sides.
My personal views on the subject of marriage have been shaped by my own experience, tradition and upbringing. But as Governor of New Hampshire, I recognize that I have a responsibility to consider this issue through a broader lens.
In the past weeks and months, I have spoken with lawmakers, religious leaders and citizens. My office has received thousands of phone calls, letters and emails. I have studied our current marriage and civil union laws, the laws of other states, the bills recently passed by the legislature and our history and traditions.
Two years ago, we passed civil unions legislation here in New Hampshire. That law gave same-sex couples in civil unions the same rights and protections as marriage. And in typical New Hampshire fashion, the people of this state embraced civil unions and agreed we needed to continue our tradition of opposing discrimination.
At its core, HB 436 simply changes the term 'civil union' to 'civil marriage.' Given the cultural, historical and religious significance of the word marriage, this is a meaningful change.
I have heard, and I understand, the very real feelings of same-sex couples that a separate system is not an equal system. That a civil law that differentiates between their committed relationships and those of heterosexual couples undermines both their dignity and the legitimacy of their families.
I have also heard, and I understand, the concerns of our citizens who have equally deep feelings and genuine religious beliefs about marriage. They fear that this legislation would interfere with the ability of religious groups to freely practice their faiths.
Throughout history, our society's views of civil rights have constantly evolved and expanded. New Hampshire's great tradition has always been to come down on the side of individual liberties and protections.
That is what I believe we must do today.
But following that tradition means we must act to protect both the liberty of same-sex couples and religious liberty. In their current form, I do not believe these bills accomplish those goals.
The Legislature took an important step by clearly differentiating between civil and religious marriage, and protecting religious groups from having to participate in marriage ceremonies that violate their fundamental religious beliefs.
But the role of marriage in many faiths extends beyond the actual marriage ceremony.
I have examined the laws of other states, including Vermont and Connecticut, which have recently passed same-sex marriage laws. Both go further in protecting religious institutions than the current New Hampshire legislation.
This morning, I met with House and Senate leaders, and the sponsors of this legislation, and gave them language that will provide additional protections to religious institutions.
This new language will provide the strongest and clearest protections for religious institutions and associations, and for the individuals working with such institutions. It will make clear that they cannot be forced to act in ways that violate their deeply held religious principles.
If the legislature passes this language, I will sign the same-sex marriage bill into law. If the legislature doesn't pass these provisions, I will veto it.
We can and must treat both same-sex couples and people of certain religious traditions with respect and dignity.
I believe this proposed language will accomplish both of these goals and I urge the legislature to pass it." (Who cares, just sign the damn thing!)
Anti-Gay Rights Church Sues Gay Group
A Michigan church has filed a federal lawsuit against a gay activist group called "Bash Back" that claimed responsibility for noisily disrupting a worship service last November.
Midway through the Nov. 9 service at the Anti-Gay rights Mount Hope Church near Lansing, members of a group stood up and shouted slogans at the bewildered congregation, including, "It's OK to be gay."
Midway through the Nov. 9 service at the Anti-Gay rights Mount Hope Church near Lansing, members of a group stood up and shouted slogans at the bewildered congregation, including, "It's OK to be gay."
Church Sues Gay Group,
gay News,
Mount Hope Church
Neil Patrick Harris Will Host Tony Awards

Openly gay Emmy and Golden Globe-nominated actor, Neil Patrick Harris, will host the 63rd Annual Tony" Awards, live from Radio City Music Hall. The Tony Awards will air live on CBS, Sunday, June 7th.
Google's Logo Could Include A Rainbow Flag's homepage logo could include a rainbow flag for a day if a colourful entry from a 17-year-old New Hampshire student wins this year's 'Doodle 4 Google' art contest.
Every vote matters in the online contest, happening this week with the theme "What I wish for the World". Forty 'Doodle' entries have been selected from hundreds of school students across America.
Meaghan Parker's entry, titled 'I Wish', includes the note: "I wish for more hope, hope for the future. I wish there was more love. Love for the environment and people. I wish for more joy. I wish for peace, a movement for it. I wish for more trees. I wish for gay rights, now."
After online voting concludes this Monday 18 May, the winning entry will be announced on Wednesday 20 May, and that 'Doodle' will appear on Google's homepage the following day - Thursday 21 May.
The 'Doodle 4 Google' voting webpage is here. Meaghan Parker's 'I Wish' entry is in the Grades 10-12 section, Region 1.
'Doodle 4 Google,
gay News,
Meaghan Parker,
rainbow flag
Free Viagra From Pfizer For The Unemployed

Pfizer announced a program to help newly unemployed persons to get Viagra medications for free.
The program, for those who lost health insurance and been unemployed since Jan. 1, will be open for enrollment through Dec. 31. For those eligible, Pfizer medications will be free for up to one year.
''We all know people who have been laid off recently and have lost their health insurance, making it difficult for them to pay for healthcare,'' said Jorge Puente, Pfizer's regional president of Worldwide Pharmaceuticals. ``We thought there must be some way we could help.''
All of Pfizer's patient assistance programs, including the new program, can be reached by calling 1-866-706-2400 or by visiting (Yeah, just in time for the weekend!)
The program, for those who lost health insurance and been unemployed since Jan. 1, will be open for enrollment through Dec. 31. For those eligible, Pfizer medications will be free for up to one year.
''We all know people who have been laid off recently and have lost their health insurance, making it difficult for them to pay for healthcare,'' said Jorge Puente, Pfizer's regional president of Worldwide Pharmaceuticals. ``We thought there must be some way we could help.''
All of Pfizer's patient assistance programs, including the new program, can be reached by calling 1-866-706-2400 or by visiting (Yeah, just in time for the weekend!)
Equality California Marriage Director Wins Award
Equality California’s marriage director received the 2009 Franklin D. Roosevelt award for his leadership in the Massachusetts fight for marriage equality, the organization announced today.
Marc Solomon, the marriage director for the state’s leading organization fighting for same-sex marriage rights, received the award in a ceremony last night. Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick presented Solomon the award, according to a news release.
“Marc's dedication and visionary leadership helped Massachusetts' same-sex couples secure the freedom to marry and enjoy the protections and dignity that only marriage provides," Geoff Kors, Equality California executive director and part-time Palm Springs resident, is quoted in a news release.
“He certainly deserves this honor, and it is a testament to his talents that the governor personally presented him with this award. We are thrilled to have him help lead the continued effort to restore the right to marry for same-sex couples here in California.”
The award is the Massachusetts state’s highest Democratic Party honor, according to the news release.
Marc Solomon, the marriage director for the state’s leading organization fighting for same-sex marriage rights, received the award in a ceremony last night. Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick presented Solomon the award, according to a news release.
“Marc's dedication and visionary leadership helped Massachusetts' same-sex couples secure the freedom to marry and enjoy the protections and dignity that only marriage provides," Geoff Kors, Equality California executive director and part-time Palm Springs resident, is quoted in a news release.
“He certainly deserves this honor, and it is a testament to his talents that the governor personally presented him with this award. We are thrilled to have him help lead the continued effort to restore the right to marry for same-sex couples here in California.”
The award is the Massachusetts state’s highest Democratic Party honor, according to the news release.
Current Tween Favorite In Sex Tape?
There’s a tape floating around the black market in WeHo acording to BlindGossip. "It features a current tween favorite. Those who have seen it say that it’s much more disgusting than the Paris Hilton tape. This one involves more than two people, same-sex activity among both girls and boys, and our star in every position possible. Did I mention our star is believed to have been somewhere between thirteen and seventeen when it was filmed?"
current tween favorite,
gay News,
Prodigy Tour Begins This Weekend In US
Prodigy Tour Dates in US:
05/18 - 9:30 Club - Washington, DC
05/19 - Electric City - Philadelphia, PA
05/20 - House of Blues - Boston, MA
05/22 - The Filmore - Detroit, MI
05/23 - Congress Theater - Chicago, IL
05/26 - The Grove - Anaheim, CA
05/27 - Hollywood Paladium - Los Angeles, CA
05/28 - Warfield Theatre - San Francisco, CA
05/30 - WAMU Theatre - Seattle, WA
For a Another video version of Omen click (HERE)
05/18 - 9:30 Club - Washington, DC
05/19 - Electric City - Philadelphia, PA
05/20 - House of Blues - Boston, MA
05/22 - The Filmore - Detroit, MI
05/23 - Congress Theater - Chicago, IL
05/26 - The Grove - Anaheim, CA
05/27 - Hollywood Paladium - Los Angeles, CA
05/28 - Warfield Theatre - San Francisco, CA
05/30 - WAMU Theatre - Seattle, WA
For a Another video version of Omen click (HERE)
Peru Says Gays Damaging To Image
Peru has announced that it will ban gays from the police force for damaging the image of the institution.
The law is one of several new regulations put forward by the Interior Minister, Mercedes Cabanillas.
Ms Cabanillas is trying to shake up the institution, which has a dismal reputation among the general public.
But critics say some of the new laws, especially those regarding sexual orientation or activity, are unconstitutional.
The law states that any police officer who has sexual relations with someone of the same gender will be indefinitely suspended from the police force.
The law is one of several new regulations put forward by the Interior Minister, Mercedes Cabanillas.
Ms Cabanillas is trying to shake up the institution, which has a dismal reputation among the general public.
But critics say some of the new laws, especially those regarding sexual orientation or activity, are unconstitutional.
The law states that any police officer who has sexual relations with someone of the same gender will be indefinitely suspended from the police force.
Priest Publishes "Catholic Kama Sutra"
A Polish Catholic priest has published a book which provides married couples with a theological and practical guide to spicing up their sex lives.
In his book, Sex as you don't know it: for married couples who love God, Father Ksawery Knotz aims to sweep away the strait-laced attitudes many hold.
Sex in marriage, the Franciscan friar explains, should not be boring but "saucy, surprising and fantasy packed".
The book, which has the backing of the Polish Catholic Church, has been a hit.
(Hey Father, does that include gay married sex???)
In his book, Sex as you don't know it: for married couples who love God, Father Ksawery Knotz aims to sweep away the strait-laced attitudes many hold.
Sex in marriage, the Franciscan friar explains, should not be boring but "saucy, surprising and fantasy packed".
The book, which has the backing of the Polish Catholic Church, has been a hit.
(Hey Father, does that include gay married sex???)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday: Writer and director Sofia Coppola is 38 today. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is 25. David Byrne turns 57. Cate Blanchett is turning 40. George Lucas is turning 65. Actress Amber Tamblyn is turning 26. Actor Tim Roth is 48. Poison guitarist C.C. DeVille is turning 47.
Amber Tamblyn,
George Lucas,
Happy Birthday,
Sofia Coppola
Stonewall Resolution Introduced In Congress
Congressional Representatives, Barney Frank (D-MA),Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), and Jared Polis (D-CO), yesterday introduced a resolution recognizing the upcoming 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots next month.
Resolved, That the House of Representatives –
(1) recognizes the 40th anniversary of Stonewall;
(2) honors those who participated during Stonewall and since that time in the civil rights struggle of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans; and
(3) recommits itself to protecting and providing equal rights for all Americans, including those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.
Resolved, That the House of Representatives –
(1) recognizes the 40th anniversary of Stonewall;
(2) honors those who participated during Stonewall and since that time in the civil rights struggle of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans; and
(3) recommits itself to protecting and providing equal rights for all Americans, including those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.
Tom Hanks Has Sex Sceens Cut
Tom Hanks was supposed to have lots of sex in his little Angels & Demons movie, but then the producers came to their senses and thought, "does anyone really want to watch this man having sex?" and they were cut. Now Tom has a sad because he thinks his co-star is a hottie and he was hoping maybe he could just slip it in for a second or two. (Sun)
Ashton Kutcher Ding Dong Ditch
Ashton Kutcher fulfilled his promise to prank Ted Turner if he beat CNN to one million Twiitter followers.
Kutcher originally promised to "ding-dong ditch" CNN founder Ted Turner's house, but Ashton admitted on Monday that it wasn't going work.
"Ted doesn't really have an accessible home, and Ted doesn't really have an accessible doorbell," he said.
Instead, Ashton covered the CNN logo with his Twitter handle, @aplusk. He also went to a nearby restaurant named after Turner, Ted's Montana Grill restaurant, giving out Ding Dong's to partrons.
Kutcher and his wife, Demi Moore, both attended the media spectacle in purpose.
Kutcher originally promised to "ding-dong ditch" CNN founder Ted Turner's house, but Ashton admitted on Monday that it wasn't going work.
"Ted doesn't really have an accessible home, and Ted doesn't really have an accessible doorbell," he said.
Instead, Ashton covered the CNN logo with his Twitter handle, @aplusk. He also went to a nearby restaurant named after Turner, Ted's Montana Grill restaurant, giving out Ding Dong's to partrons.
Kutcher and his wife, Demi Moore, both attended the media spectacle in purpose.
Ashton kutcher,
Demi Moore,
ding dong ditch,
gay News,
ted turner
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Paul Donahoe, Gay Wrestler To Return To Porn?
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Porn Star Vincent DeSalvo Moving To New York City

Hooray! "Vincent DeSalvo"—a.k.a. Grove City College student and occasional gay porn star John Gechter—is leaving behind the puritanical college that suspended him for a little bit of paid power bottoming.
We think Gechter will be much more popular here in New York, where he is moving to finish the summer school courses he needs to get his degree from the third-most conservative school in the country. Also he is going to star in a play! He will be a fine actor, we're sure. Maybe if there is a gay Steven Soderbergh out there, he'll get real work. (Todd Haynes? Gus Van Sant?)
(All your questions regarding Mr. Gechter's acting
gay News,
Gay porn star,
new york city,
Vincent DeSalvo
Florida Says "Ok" To Gays Who Adopt Kids Out Of State
Adoptions by gays and lesbians is prohibited in Florida, the only state that explicitly targets us. Some other states ban gay adoption by limited it to married couples. But what about same-sex couples who adopt children in other states, then move to Florida — are those legal adoptions no longer recognized? As of today's ruling, they will be. (One Small Step for Florida)
Director Of Miss California Quits!
"Guess Shanna Moakler didn’t agree with Donald Trump’s decision to allow Carrie Prejean to remain Miss California! Shanna has just stepped down as the pageant director for the Miss California organization.
She said in a statement: "Since the press conference yesterday, I had a chance to think about what has taken place, and I feel that at this time it is in my best interest to resign from the Miss California USA organization.”
She said in a statement: "Since the press conference yesterday, I had a chance to think about what has taken place, and I feel that at this time it is in my best interest to resign from the Miss California USA organization.”
breaking news,
gay News,
Miss California,
Shanna Moakler
How Do Hospitals Treat Same Sex Couples?
"The Healthcare Equality Index 2009 (released May 2009) rates 166 U.S. healthcare facilities on their policies and practices related to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. The HEI focuses on five main policy criteria: patient non-discrimination, visitation, decision making, cultural competency training and employment policies and benefits. In the Healthcare Equality Index 2009 10 facilities reported LGBT-inclusive policies and practices for every one of the 10 HEI rated criteria." (HRC Press Release)
gay News,
Healthcare Equality Index 2009,
Report Shows: "Acceptability Of Hate In The Mainstream"
Today, the Wiesenthal Center’s Digital Hate and Terrorism project identifies some 10,000 problematic hate and terrorist websites, hate games and other internet postings. Every aspect of the Internet is being used by extremists of every ilk to repackage old hatred, demean the ‘Enemy’, to raise funds and since 9/11, recruit and train Jihadist terrorists. This user-generated material increases the viral spread of extremism online and aids in increasing the social acceptability of hate in mainstream discourse. By creating an environment where users are equal participants in the Web, all editorial functions are removed and expressions of hate can easily flow unchallenged. Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, gays, women and immigrants are some of the most targeted groups."
Happy Birthday: Miss California Is 22
Happy Birthday: Stephen Colbert turns 45 today. Stevie Wonder is 59. Dennis Rodman is 48. Twilight star Robert Pattinson is 23. Hootie & the Blowfish front man Darius Rucker turns 43. And Miss California Carrie Prejean celebrates her 22nd birthday today. (guess which one we could care less about?)
Prince Harry To Visit New York

Prince Harry is to visit the site of New York's World Trade Center on his first formal overseas engagement.
Harry, 24, will pay his respects to the victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks and meet wounded US war veterans, St James's Palace announced.
He will also play a polo match in the city to raise funds for his Sentebale charity, supporting orphans in Lesotho.
The two-day trip at the end of the month will be Prince Harry's first visit to the US since he was a child.
(Damn, we were hoping he was here for a game of strip poker!)
Prince Harry,
prince harry new york city
Scotland Pastor Calls Gay Rev. Nazi
"Anti-gay Scottish Presbyterian minister Rev Ian Watson has compared the supporters of an openly gay minister to the Nazis.
In a sermon on Sunday, he compared the failure of the French Army to stand up to the Nazi annexation of the Rhineland in 1938 to the current battle in the Scottish Church between supporters and opponents of Rev Scott Rennie.
Rev Rennie was chosen by his congregation to serve at Queen's Cross Church in Aberdeen but 12 members of the Presbytery complained over his lifestyle. He lives openly with his partner, known only as David."
“[Hitler] guessed correctly that the French had no stomach for a fight. If only they had, then the tragedy of a Second World War might have been avoided,” Mr Watson said in the sermon he delivered at Kirkmuirhill Church in Lanark.
“To claim that the homosexual lifestyle is worthy of a child of God; to demand that a same-sex partnership be recognised as on a footing with marriage; to commend such a lifestyle to others is to deny that Jesus Christ is our only Sovereign and Lord. It is to turn the grace of God into a licence for immorality,” he said.
“Such people will not inherit the kingdom of God (1Cor.6:10). And therefore they must be resisted . . . Let me assure you, neither I nor like-minded minsters enjoy conflict . . . But have we learned nothing from history?
"Remember Hitler and the retaking of the Rhineland. He got away with it. No one stopped him. So next it was Austria, then Czechoslovakia, and then Poland and only then world war.”
Speaking last night, Mr Watson said: "There is no doubt that there is a conflict. I was trying to explain why I am engaged in this. People say to me, ‘This is not a hill to die on’, but I think it is a fight worth fighting.
“Evangelicals seek to defend the historic and orthodox Christian faith. If we don’t what are we? I am a man of convictions.” (Ian Watson seems to be one step away from carrying a "God hates Fags" sign beside the road.)
In a sermon on Sunday, he compared the failure of the French Army to stand up to the Nazi annexation of the Rhineland in 1938 to the current battle in the Scottish Church between supporters and opponents of Rev Scott Rennie.
Rev Rennie was chosen by his congregation to serve at Queen's Cross Church in Aberdeen but 12 members of the Presbytery complained over his lifestyle. He lives openly with his partner, known only as David."
“[Hitler] guessed correctly that the French had no stomach for a fight. If only they had, then the tragedy of a Second World War might have been avoided,” Mr Watson said in the sermon he delivered at Kirkmuirhill Church in Lanark.
“To claim that the homosexual lifestyle is worthy of a child of God; to demand that a same-sex partnership be recognised as on a footing with marriage; to commend such a lifestyle to others is to deny that Jesus Christ is our only Sovereign and Lord. It is to turn the grace of God into a licence for immorality,” he said.
“Such people will not inherit the kingdom of God (1Cor.6:10). And therefore they must be resisted . . . Let me assure you, neither I nor like-minded minsters enjoy conflict . . . But have we learned nothing from history?
"Remember Hitler and the retaking of the Rhineland. He got away with it. No one stopped him. So next it was Austria, then Czechoslovakia, and then Poland and only then world war.”
Speaking last night, Mr Watson said: "There is no doubt that there is a conflict. I was trying to explain why I am engaged in this. People say to me, ‘This is not a hill to die on’, but I think it is a fight worth fighting.
“Evangelicals seek to defend the historic and orthodox Christian faith. If we don’t what are we? I am a man of convictions.” (Ian Watson seems to be one step away from carrying a "God hates Fags" sign beside the road.)
Craigslist Gets Rid Of "Erotic Services"
"Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan says that Craigslist is getting rid of its "erotic services" ads and will create a new adult category that Web site employees will review.
Madigan's office said Wednesday that such existing ads on Craigslist will expire in seven days.
Madigan and the attorneys general for Connecticut and Missouri met with Craigslist officials last week seeking an end to ads they contend are advertisements for illegal sexual activities." (Hey what about my ad!!!)
Madigan's office said Wednesday that such existing ads on Craigslist will expire in seven days.
Madigan and the attorneys general for Connecticut and Missouri met with Craigslist officials last week seeking an end to ads they contend are advertisements for illegal sexual activities." (Hey what about my ad!!!)
breaking news,
Erotic Services,
AIDS Walk New York Is Sunday
Thousands of walkers will emerge on Central Park this weekend to raise money and awareness for AIDS research and treatment.
According to the AIDS Walk website:
“Since 1986, AIDS Walk New York has raised more than $105 million for HIV programs and services in the tri-state area, and has grown into the largest AIDS fundraising event in the world.
In 2008 alone, 45,000 participants, many of whom were members of 2,450 corporate and community teams, raised a record sum of over $7 million for Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) and 50 other local AIDS service organizations.”
Money raised at Sunday’s event will benefit the Gay Men’s Health Center. For more information: Before the walk has even started, they’ve raised over $2 million.
there’s a huge pro-gay marriage rally planned for Sunday following the AIDS Walk in New York.
The Love, Peace & Marriage Equality rally will take place at 5pm at 44th and 6th Avenue in Hell’s Kitchen.
Organizers say that they’re expecting some serious star power including
Four time Tony-winning actress Audra McDonald, Tony winner Cynthia Nixon, Cheyenne Jackson and the cast of the Tony-nominated revival of Hair.
Sunday’s rally is to counter an anti-gay marriage protest taking place at Governor David Paterson’s midtown offices.
According to the AIDS Walk website:
“Since 1986, AIDS Walk New York has raised more than $105 million for HIV programs and services in the tri-state area, and has grown into the largest AIDS fundraising event in the world.
In 2008 alone, 45,000 participants, many of whom were members of 2,450 corporate and community teams, raised a record sum of over $7 million for Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) and 50 other local AIDS service organizations.”
Money raised at Sunday’s event will benefit the Gay Men’s Health Center. For more information: Before the walk has even started, they’ve raised over $2 million.
there’s a huge pro-gay marriage rally planned for Sunday following the AIDS Walk in New York.
The Love, Peace & Marriage Equality rally will take place at 5pm at 44th and 6th Avenue in Hell’s Kitchen.
Organizers say that they’re expecting some serious star power including
Four time Tony-winning actress Audra McDonald, Tony winner Cynthia Nixon, Cheyenne Jackson and the cast of the Tony-nominated revival of Hair.
Sunday’s rally is to counter an anti-gay marriage protest taking place at Governor David Paterson’s midtown offices.
Obama Tells Gays He Won't Help

The White House says it won't stop gays and lesbians from being dismissed from the military while the Obama administration works to repeal a decade-old policy banning openly gay people from serving in uniform.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said in his daily press conference that President Barack Obama does not plan to intervene in current cases against men and women who announce their homosexuality. (Yes we can??? Hey, Mr. President your promises are fading faster than my Obama bumper sticker. WTF?) C-Span live feed.
gay military,
gay News,
President Barack Obama
New York Legislature Says "Yes" To Gay Marriage
"New York's legislature approved a law allowing gay weddings in the state, which now faces a much tougher reading in the upper house.
The lower house in the New York legislature approved the law submitted last month by Governor David Paterson, by a vote of 89-52.
If it passes the senate, the law would make New York the sixth and highest profile state allowing same-sex couples to wed, providing powerful impetus to other states considering such laws."
The lower house in the New York legislature approved the law submitted last month by Governor David Paterson, by a vote of 89-52.
If it passes the senate, the law would make New York the sixth and highest profile state allowing same-sex couples to wed, providing powerful impetus to other states considering such laws."
Google Gives "State Of The Union" On New Search Ideas
Google Squared which will go public in the next month or so, takes information from the web and displays it in a spreadsheet in "split seconds," said Google's Marissa Mayer. Something it would normally take someone a half a day to do. (Think of all the time saved looking for porn pics!)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Art HK 09

"Hong Kong International Art Fair will return to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center from 14-17 May 2009, with Vernissage opening on 13 May."
It may no longer have the sponsorship of Lehman Brothers, but the Hong Kong International Art Fair (Art HK 09) does have an increased roster of participants and some new activities for its sophomore appearance.
Expanding upon programming from last year, when the fair attracted some 19,000 visitors, organizers this year have planned an array of educational and cultural activities for the four-day event, which begins May 14. Standouts include a lecture and film-screening series organized by the Asia Art Archive, a nonprofit organization that documents the visual arts in the region, and British debate group Intelligence Squared’s inaugural panel in Asia, which will focus on the hot-button topic of the ownership of antiquities and cultural heritage.
Tuesday News Briefs

- Simon Cowell says Kris Allen can't win "American Idol" "Kris is a nice guy but he's not a good enough singer to compete with Adam" (MTV)
- Amsterdam issues gay sex warning (
- The New Kelly Clarkson (Dlisted)
- Prince Manvendrasinh Gohil will inaugurate the 13th annual gay Pride Parade in Brazil next month. (express India)
- Pride House will be a special meeting place tailored to gays and lesbians at the 2010 winter Olympics. (TVS)
- Bradley Cooper Plays Gay Again (THR)
American Idol,
Bradley Cooper,
gay brazil,
Kelly Clarkson,
Kris Allen,
Simon Cowell
David Shuster Reacts To Miss California
MSNBC's David Shuster reacts (about like we do)to Donald Trump's announcement that Carrie Prejean will still be know as Miss lying, nude, money grubbing, California. Contess Brewer says that this is a good launching point to discuss gay marriage in a public forum. Where the f*ck has she been? Carrie launched the conversation....hello???? Remember us gays? The Shuster remarks are the best thing to come of this side show.
Music: 420 Music Experience
Click on above to enjoy. You can do this to any music video. We can't stop converting YouTube videos here in the office!
Depeche Mode's Dave Gahan Rushed To Hospital

"British music band Depeche Mode canceled an Athens concert Tuesday after lead singer Dave Gahan fell ill and was taken to a hospital in the Greek capital, event organizers said.
“We regret today’s performance has to be canceled ... David Gahan fell ill in his dressing room,” a concert organizer told an audience of about 20,000 waiting for the concert to start.
Depeche Mode is one of the longest-lived bands to have emerged from the early 1980s, with 45 songs in the British singles chart. The band plays post-punk, new wave music and has sold more than 75 million albums worldwide."
Jon and Kate + Boy Friend and Girl Friend?
Reality TV star Kate Gosselin said she isn't cheating on her husband, Jon, and called the accusations disgusting and unthinkable.
In a story published Tuesday on People magazine's Web site, Gosselin said she's the target of tabloid lies romantically linking her with a bodyguard who frequently travels with the family. She spoke out following recent accounts that portrayed her as the victim of her husband's infidelity.
In a story published Tuesday on People magazine's Web site, Gosselin said she's the target of tabloid lies romantically linking her with a bodyguard who frequently travels with the family. She spoke out following recent accounts that portrayed her as the victim of her husband's infidelity.
Gay Skin Mags Close

Today, Mavety Media Group closed all of their gay magazines: Mandate, Torso, Honcho, Inches (and all of its ethnic permutations) and Playguy. The oldest, Mandate, has been continuously published since April of 1975—just over 34 years. (Ahh the memories of my bathroom as a kid!)
British Foreign Office Warns Gays On Travel
"The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has released new guidance for gay travellers in Russia, advising that visitors to Moscow should be aware of possible violence at a planned gay pride march this weekend.
Gay rights activists have said they will hold Slavic Pride on Saturday to coincide with the Eurovision Song Contest final, which the Russian capital is hosting.
City officials have warned they will break up any attempts to hold the march. In May 2006, more than 120 people were arrested after campaigners attempted to hold the capital's first gay rights rally."
Gay rights activists have said they will hold Slavic Pride on Saturday to coincide with the Eurovision Song Contest final, which the Russian capital is hosting.
City officials have warned they will break up any attempts to hold the march. In May 2006, more than 120 people were arrested after campaigners attempted to hold the capital's first gay rights rally."
Boston Gay Heath Clinic Opens
"Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino cut the ribbon as Fenway Health officially named its new 1340 Boylston Street home The Ansin Building at a ceremony attended by 200 people on Thursday, May 7. The 100,000 square foot, $60 million facility, generously named by Ron and Ed Ansin in loving memory of Peter Ansin (1957 – 1992), is believed to be the largest facility ever constructed by an organization with a specific mission to serve the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. Speakers at the dedication ceremony included the Mayor, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center President Paul Levy, City Council President Mike Ross, Representative Byron Rushing, philanthropist and Fenway donor Ron Ansin, developer Steve Samuels and Fenway Health President and CEO Dr. Stephen Boswell. In a moving speech, Mayor Menino credited Fenway with saving the life of a close friend who had struggled with the fact that he was gay. “[Fenway] gave him all the support in the world, right here, and that’s what they do every day. They save people’s lives,” the Mayor said."
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday: Skateboarding king Tony Hawk is 41. Former Clinton advisor (and now cable commentator) Paul Begala is turning 48. Stephen Baldwin is 43. Actor Jason Biggs is 31. Emilio Estevez is 47. Actress Samantha Mathis is turning 39. Dog trainer Cesar Millan is 39. And Kim Fields, "Tootie from the The Facts of Life", is celebrating her 40th.

Keith Olbermann's Girlfriend Joins the Family. Katy Tur, the 25-year-old girlfriend of Keith Olbermann, has a new job! She's now "chasing tornadoes as part of The Weather Channel's Vortex2 team."
When Tur landed her last TV reporting gig in 2008—her first in the industry despite precious little experience—it was rumored that the MSNBC host had helped her land the job. NBC is the owner of The Weather Channel. (TI)
Florida's Gay Governor Charlie Crist To Run For Senate

It’s official. This morning, closet case, Florida Governor Charlie Crist announced that he is running to succeed Mel Meatinez for the US Senate. The “Obama Republican”, who was one of only a scant handful of Republicans to support Obama’s bailout legislation, quickly emerges as the front-runner in a race that serves as a battleground for what the Republican is to stand for on a national level. Crist was a central subject of the new Outrage documentary about closeted gay politicians. (This shoud be fun!)
Carrie Prejean Keeps Crown
Carrie Prejean, the San Diego beauty pageant contestant whose opposition to same-sex marriage catapulted her into the nation's culture wars, will keep her crown as Miss California USA. (Yawn)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Catholic Archbishop Rembert Weakland - I'm Gay

A Roman Catholic archbishop who resigned in 2002 over a sex and financial scandal involving a man has written a memoir that describes how he struggled with being gay.
Archbishop Rembert Weakland, former head of the Milwaukee archdiocese, "is up front about his homosexuality in a church that preferred to ignore gays," Publisher's Weekly wrote in a review Monday. (And now he is writing a book about how to get boys? I guess he has to make some money to pay for the rent boys?)
breaking news,
Milwaukee archdiocese
Former Nazi Demjanjuk Deported
Suspected Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk was deported from the United States on Monday, flown from Ohio to Germany where he faces trial in the deaths of 29000 Jews. (One former Nazi tours Israel one gets deported, go figure?)
Former Nazi Demjanjuk Deported,
Victoria Gotti And Boys Thrown Out Of Home By Bank

JPMorgan Chase has the go-ahead to foreclose on the Old Westbury home of Victoria Gotti, the gaudy home that the Mob princess has been trying to sell for many months now. It turns out Gotti hasn't paid her mortgage since September 2006, and she's in debt to JPMorgan to the tune of $650,000. Now that the bank has prevailed in court, it will be able to displace Gotti and her boys and sell off the estate at auction. I guess they spent way to much on hair products.
National Organization For Marriage, Maggie Gallagher Puts Dontations In Her Pocket
Keith Lewis of the Miss California Pageant called out Maggie Gallagher for using Carrie Prejean as a tool and for exploiting her to further an anti gay agenda.
Lewis also went on to say that it was “ironic” to him that 42% of organization donations went directly into Maggie Gallaghers pockets.
Lewis went on to say that Gallagher was taking advantage of Donald Trump and using copy written material from the Miss USA pageant as a fund raising tool. He said she wants a “free ride, not fair use”. Hey it cost a lot to hate these days!
Lewis also went on to say that it was “ironic” to him that 42% of organization donations went directly into Maggie Gallaghers pockets.
Lewis went on to say that Gallagher was taking advantage of Donald Trump and using copy written material from the Miss USA pageant as a fund raising tool. He said she wants a “free ride, not fair use”. Hey it cost a lot to hate these days!
Joan Rivers To Host New TV Land Show

After her win on Celebrity Apprentice last night we now learn that Joan Rivers will be participating in another TV program: TV Land's How'd You Get So Rich? The 30-minute, six-episode series, which premieres Aug. 12, follows Rivers as she explores the homes belonging to millionaires.
TV Land's president, says the following in a press release: "There is no one more outrageous and hilarious than Joan Rivers to introduce America to multimillionaires who prove that there is no such thing as small ideas! How’d You Get So Rich? is the perfect escapist fantasy and in these tough times – an inspiration. The guy who made a 5 chamber bubble wand is worth $50 million. Why didn't I think of that!”
TV Land's president, says the following in a press release: "There is no one more outrageous and hilarious than Joan Rivers to introduce America to multimillionaires who prove that there is no such thing as small ideas! How’d You Get So Rich? is the perfect escapist fantasy and in these tough times – an inspiration. The guy who made a 5 chamber bubble wand is worth $50 million. Why didn't I think of that!”
Celebrity Apprentice,
Joan Rivers,
TV Land Show
San Francisco GLAAD Media Awards
The San Francisco GLAAD Media Awards were presented last night. We have listed some of the winners below:
Davidson/Valentini Award: Chad Allen (presented by Robert Gant)
Special Recognition: Dustin Lance Black (presented by Dan Jinks)
Special Recognition: Geoff Callan and Mike Shaw (presented by Mayor Gavin Newsom and Jason Lewis)
Outstanding Television Movie: East Side Story (Logo) [Accepted by: actor Steve Callahan and co-writer/producer Charo Toledo]
Outstanding Reality Program: TIE: I Want to Work for Diddy (VH1) and Transamerican Love Story (Logo) [Accepted by: Laverne Cox and Calpernia Addams, respectively]
Outstanding TV Journalism - Newsmagazine: “Funding the Marriage War” In the Life (PBS) [Accepted by: Michelle Kristel, executive director In the Life]
A complete list of award recipients for the 20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards may be found at
Davidson/Valentini Award: Chad Allen (presented by Robert Gant)
Special Recognition: Dustin Lance Black (presented by Dan Jinks)
Special Recognition: Geoff Callan and Mike Shaw (presented by Mayor Gavin Newsom and Jason Lewis)
Outstanding Television Movie: East Side Story (Logo) [Accepted by: actor Steve Callahan and co-writer/producer Charo Toledo]
Outstanding Reality Program: TIE: I Want to Work for Diddy (VH1) and Transamerican Love Story (Logo) [Accepted by: Laverne Cox and Calpernia Addams, respectively]
Outstanding TV Journalism - Newsmagazine: “Funding the Marriage War” In the Life (PBS) [Accepted by: Michelle Kristel, executive director In the Life]
A complete list of award recipients for the 20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards may be found at
Miss California, Prejean To Keep Crown - For Now
Officials with the Miss California USA Pageant said today in Beverly Hills that title-holder Carrie Prejean is in breach of contract and "entered the contest under false pretenses." Donald Trump, who owns the Miss USA pageant, will decide tomorrow whether she will keep her crown.
Dolph Lundgren Caught Nude On Mexican Beach
Former beefcake and Grace Jones boyfriend Dolph Lundgren, 51, was snapped on a beach in Mexico with his business hanging out this week. No swine flu here! click link for NSFW to see the pic. Tabloid Prodigy
Monday News Bites

- New York- The New York State Assembly is expected to pass a marriage equality bill this week, but once again the legislation will likely stall out in the Senate. (Low Hud)
- Singer Boy George was released from prison today after serving only four months of his 15-month sentence for falsely imprisoning a male prostitute. (daily Mail)
- US solider turns gun on his fellow service men. Five are reported killed and three hurt (CNN)
- Miss California may lose crown today. (LAT)
- Tennis player Richard Gasquet has been suspended for testing positive for cocaine. (ESPN)
Boy Raped In School
A 13-year-old student at Tampa Florida's Walker Middle School has returned to classes after being raped and tortured by a broom and a hockey stick. Four of his classmates are accused of raping him with a hockey sticks and a broom handle.
The suspects, ages 14-15, were arrested and charged as adults with sexual battery and false imprisonment and for the rape that took place on April 30.
The 13-year-old boy said the bullying had been going on for months.
But he didn't say anything. Not to a teacher. Not to a coach. Not to his mother.
Not even when two of the bullies held him down while the other two sexually battered him with a broom handle and hockey stick, authorities say. The boys were alone in the locker room getting ready for an interscholastic flag football team practice.
"That's part of this tragedy," Hillsborough County school superintendent MaryEllen Elia said Saturday. "For whatever reason, he didn't tell anyone."
That changed Wednesday, she said, following an altercation between the victim and his tormentors on the flag football field at Walker Middle School on Tuesday night.
A coach noticed the 13 year old acting differently and asked what was going on. The 13 year old at last told of his abuse.
The coach followed up the next morning, and had the alleged bullies meet with a female physical education teacher. The teacher instructed each of the four students to write down his version of events. Hours later they were placed under arrest.
[St. Petersburg Times]
The suspects, ages 14-15, were arrested and charged as adults with sexual battery and false imprisonment and for the rape that took place on April 30.
The 13-year-old boy said the bullying had been going on for months.
But he didn't say anything. Not to a teacher. Not to a coach. Not to his mother.
Not even when two of the bullies held him down while the other two sexually battered him with a broom handle and hockey stick, authorities say. The boys were alone in the locker room getting ready for an interscholastic flag football team practice.
"That's part of this tragedy," Hillsborough County school superintendent MaryEllen Elia said Saturday. "For whatever reason, he didn't tell anyone."
That changed Wednesday, she said, following an altercation between the victim and his tormentors on the flag football field at Walker Middle School on Tuesday night.
A coach noticed the 13 year old acting differently and asked what was going on. The 13 year old at last told of his abuse.
The coach followed up the next morning, and had the alleged bullies meet with a female physical education teacher. The teacher instructed each of the four students to write down his version of events. Hours later they were placed under arrest.
[St. Petersburg Times]
Tampa Florida,
Walker Middle School
President Barack Obama Seems To Back Down On Repeal Of DADT
While campaigning for President, Barack Obama told gays that he would repeal the Don't Ask Don't Tell law.
The majority of us threw our support behind a candidate we expected would move the government to treat us equally.
When asked on the transition teams web site if the president would repeal DADT, the Press Secretary Robert Gibbs wrote. "Yes."
Now, 110 days into the new presidency we hear this about DADT from Defense Secretary Robert Gates went asked about DADT: We are looking "down the road" because "that dialogue (to repeal DADT) though has not progressed very far."
On This Week With George Stephanopoulos Obama's National Security Adviser General James Jones said "I don't know." As in: I don't know if DADT will be repealed.
What the hell? Can anyone think of anything this president has done for our community since taking office? Hey Mr. President, now that you got the dog you think you might throw us a bone?
The majority of us threw our support behind a candidate we expected would move the government to treat us equally.
When asked on the transition teams web site if the president would repeal DADT, the Press Secretary Robert Gibbs wrote. "Yes."
Now, 110 days into the new presidency we hear this about DADT from Defense Secretary Robert Gates went asked about DADT: We are looking "down the road" because "that dialogue (to repeal DADT) though has not progressed very far."
On This Week With George Stephanopoulos Obama's National Security Adviser General James Jones said "I don't know." As in: I don't know if DADT will be repealed.
What the hell? Can anyone think of anything this president has done for our community since taking office? Hey Mr. President, now that you got the dog you think you might throw us a bone?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Joan Rivers Wins The Celebrity Apprentice
Comedian and QVC queen Joan Rivers is hired and previously unknown card player Annie Duke was fired on the season finale of "Celebrity Apprentice."
These bitter enemies were the last of the 16 "celebrities" (The term was stretched to the breaking point this season) who began the season vying for the title of "Celebrity Apprentice" .
Rivers beat out Duke on Sunday's finale by planning a more successful charity fundraiser. Duke found out the hard way that kitty (Rivers) has claws as Rivers tore into her and her "mafia money."
$250,000 dollars will go to the New York Based Charity God's Love We Deliver. (We have a friend who volunteers at the charity that was founded in 1986 by Ganga Stone and Jane Best to deliver hot meal to home bound persons with HIV Aids.) Way to kick ass Joan!
This was the eight season for the show.
These bitter enemies were the last of the 16 "celebrities" (The term was stretched to the breaking point this season) who began the season vying for the title of "Celebrity Apprentice" .
Rivers beat out Duke on Sunday's finale by planning a more successful charity fundraiser. Duke found out the hard way that kitty (Rivers) has claws as Rivers tore into her and her "mafia money."
$250,000 dollars will go to the New York Based Charity God's Love We Deliver. (We have a friend who volunteers at the charity that was founded in 1986 by Ganga Stone and Jane Best to deliver hot meal to home bound persons with HIV Aids.) Way to kick ass Joan!
This was the eight season for the show.
CBS Employee David Feherty Calls On Military To Kill Nancy Pelosi
CBS golf analyst David Feherty is sparking outrage due to his assertion that U.S. soldiers, given the chance, would murder House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
"If you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Osama Bin Laden, there's a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and Bin Laden would be strangled to death," Feherty wrote in the April issue of D magazine.
We can only imagine what he might say about Obama and a rope. CBS needs to fire this nut at once.
"If you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Osama Bin Laden, there's a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and Bin Laden would be strangled to death," Feherty wrote in the April issue of D magazine.
We can only imagine what he might say about Obama and a rope. CBS needs to fire this nut at once.
breaking news,
CBS golf,
David Feherty,
Harry Reid
Dick Cheney Picks Rush Limbaugh Over War Hero As Republican Voice

This morning on CBS' Bob Schieffer asked whether Dick Cheney would side with Limbaugh or Powell in that battle of Republican titans. Schieffer asked: "Rush Limbaugh said the other day that the party would probably be better off if Colin Powell left and just became a Democrat. Colin Powell said Republicans would be better off if they don't have Rush Limbaugh out speaking for them. Where do you come down?"
Cheney said: "If I had to choose in terms of being a Republican, I'd go with Rush Limbaugh, I think. I think my take on it was Colin had already left the party. I didn't know he was still a Republican."
Cheney cited Powell's support for Barack Obama.
Schieffer seemed astonished by Cheney's frankness. "You promised some news. I think we probably made a little," Schieffer said.
Dicky is like the old drunk at the bar that just won't go away. Maybe it's time to call the bouncer.
(Face the Nation)
Barack Obama,
Colin Powell,
Dick Cheney,
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