Saturday, May 23, 2009
IML Chicago Schedule

Six Flags To Host Sean Hannity Event

Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey will host a benefit concert on August 15, 2009 sponsored by ABC's top-rated hate jock Sean Hannity. This charity event will raise funds for Freedom Alliance. (Freedom Alliance is a multi-purpose right-wing charity founded by FOX news host Oliver North.) Records show that 81.5% of the money raised goes to "Program Expenses." The far right extremist, Thomas Kilgannon is president of this "charity". His salary is listed as being 2.4% of the "charity's" entire budget.
The live concert will include country singers Billy Ray Cyrus, Charlie Daniels, Michael W. Smith and Lee Greenwood.Ollie North will make a guest appearance at this event. (We were hoping for Ann Coulter singing God Bless America while twirling a flaming baton.)
amFAR Raises Money At Cannes Film Festival

Bill Clinton’s saxophone and a two kisses from Robert Pattinson have helped a star-studded charity event raise money to fight AIDS.
An alto sax signed and donated by the former U.S. president was one of the star lots at the Cinema Against AIDS benefit on the sidelines of the Cannes Film Festival, selling for euro130,000 ($180,000). There was also keen bidding on two kisses from “Twilight” star Pattinson, which raised euro20,000 ($28,000) each.
Sharon Stone hosted the 16th annual event late Thursday at the exclusive Hotel du Cap on the French Riviera. Annie Lennox entertained about 800 guests who included Paris Hilton, model Claudia Schiffer, director Terry Gilliam, rapper 50 Cent and scientist James Watson, one of the discoverers of DNA.
Stone urged people to give generously despite the global economic slump.
“Looking down at the price of my own shoes, we in this room cannot pretend that we have nothing to give,” she said.
Proceeds from the event go to the American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), a nonprofit organization that supports HIV/AIDS research.
Anti gay Opponents Work To Remove Some Rights Of Gays In Washington State
Anti gay Opponents of equal rights have phrased the question in a very confusing fashion. If the referendum gets enough votes to make the ballot, gay people and pro civil rights advocates would need to vote YES, because the referendum is not whether it should be repealed but whether it should be re-enacted.
(This wording is going to trick a lot of people. It is a shameful petition meant to confuse people into voting against their own interest.)
Anti-Gay March Held In Bucharest

Some scores of people, mostly young members of the Noua Dreapta (The New Right) organization, got together today at a march against homosexuality in Bucharest, displaying placards and chanting for "normality in Romania", few hours before the annual gay parade. Foto (1)
Vezi Galerie Articol
The participants met around 11 a.m. nearby the Romanian Athenaeum, next to several older persons who themselves are against homosexuality.
"Romanians, wake up! Sexual perversions are contagious mental diseases" or "Romanians, stop the homosexual epidemic! It is more dangerous than the flue" are just some of the messages written on the placards. The participants also chorus "Romania is not Sodom."
We have nothing against homosexuals, but it bothers us so see that they make public their options and attitudes that should remain private, one of the participants at the march told NewsIn.
The organizers of the normality march said they will not try to sabotage the march of sexual minorities that will take place this afternoon at 5 p.m, and added they are just trying to express their points of view through this action, said Alexandru Nastase, the leader of Noua Dreapta Bucharest. This is the fourth year in a row when such a march is organized.
Lutheran "Scholars" Press Church To Keep Discriminating Against Gays

A group of Lutheran "scholars" and church "leaders" released an open letter on Tuesday urging members churchwide to reject proposals that would liberalize the denomination's stance on homosexuality.
Ahead of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Churchwide Assembly in August, the conservative group is cautioning voting members against changing the denomination's current position on same-sex blessings and the ordination of partnered gays.
"The proposals to be considered by the Churchwide Assembly this summer from the Task Force for ELCA Studies on Sexuality are perceived by some as compromises that will permit the ELCA to live faithfully with internal diversity on controversial ethical questions. The proposals are in fact no compromise," the letter states. "They clearly imply that same-sex blessings and the ordination and rostering of homosexual persons in committed relationships are acceptable within the ELCA."
"The teaching of the church will be changed," the letter warns. "We should not make such an important decision without clear biblical and theological support."
Queen Wants Adam Lambert As Front Man?

"Amongst all that furor, there wasn't really a quiet moment to talk," Queen guitarist Brian May told Rolling Stone in an interview released on Friday.
"But and I are definitely hoping to have a meaningful conversation with at some point. It's not like we, as Queen, would rush into coalescing with another singer just like that. It isn't that easy. But I'd certainly like to work with Adam. That is one amazing instrument he has there," May told the magazine in an e-mail exchange.
Ross Watson's New Berlin Exhibition
Alex Baresi will be flying in from Italy to open the show.
10 June - 1 July 2009
Maison Victor
Oranienburger Strasse 27
D-10117 Berlin-Mitte
Ross Watson Link

Friday, May 22, 2009
Man gets 3 Years For Killing Gay Man
Organizers say the Sunday event by and The Upstate Church is in memory of Sean William Kennedy. The 20-year-old man died in May 2007 after he was hit in the face and fell to the ground, hitting his head on the pavement or a curb.
Nineteen-year-old Stephen Andrew Moller was sentenced last June to only three years in prison after pleading guilty to involuntary manslaughter in Kennedy's death." (Three years???? for killing a gay man, Twinkies anyone!)
EuroPride 2009: There’s ‘A Little Gay In Everyone.”
The ad has been created by the agency’s office in Zurich - the Swiss city where Europe’s biggest LGBT festival is taking place from May 2 to June 7.
It’s been built around the premise that no one is 100 per cent straight and ‘There’s a little gay in everyone.’
Harrah's Issues Statement For Gay Rights In Nevada

The Harrah's chain of Las Vegas casinos and hotels has written a letter to Nevada's legislature warning about a potential loss in gay tourism if Gov. Gibbons vetoes that state's pending domestic partners bill.
"Our state cannot afford to lose any more revenue to other destinations because of a reputation as a place which is not socially or politically the right place to do business or to vacation," Jones stated in the letter, dated Tuesday.
Gays and lesbians have the highest disposable income of any segment of the population, according to Jones.
"Our company does aggressive marketing to this community," Jones said Wednesday. "How can we say to them 'we want your business, but we don't care about your rights.'"
Obama Visits California Day Afer Prop 8 Ruling

"Over at the San Francisco Chronicle's political blog, veteran reporter Carla Marinucci wrote yesterday that the president is coming to Southern California on Wednesday, which, as we now know, is the day after the state Supreme Court renders its decision on Prop 8.I wonder how big a demonstration the LA gay community will organize in conjunction with Obama's appearance next week:
Just days after the California election highlighting the state's dire budget troubles, President Obama is making his second trip to the state -- to star in a $3 million fundraiser at the Beverly Hilton Hotel for the Democratic National Committee."
Anti-Discrimination Laws In The US
"We figured it would be a good time to show the status of anti-discrimination laws across the U.S., including those passed, in process and those killed by a legislature.
13 states and the District of Columbia currently have laws on the books banning discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Those states include: Minnesota; Rhode Island; New Mexico; California; District of Columbia; Illinois; Maine; Hawaii; New Jersey; Washington; Iowa; Oregon; Vermont; Colorado
7 states have laws banning discrimination based on sexual orientation only.
Those states include: Wisconsin; Massachusetts; Connecticut; New Hampshire; Nevada; Maryland; New York
Pending legislation/killed legislation:Idaho bill died in committee (2/24/09)West Virginia passed bill in Senate (3/14/09)Kansas bill passed committee, now seems to be on hold (3/19/09)New Hampshire House voted 181-149 to kill bill adding Trans protection to existing anti-discrimination law (3/26/09)Delaware passed bill in House (3/27/09)North Dakota House killed bill (4/3/09)" Sent Us List For Prop 8 Gatherings In SF
Here's what will go down the day before the ruling is announced:
7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.: Interfaith Prayer service at Grace Cathedral (1100 California St). Regardless of your position on same-sex marriage, all are welcome.
Here's what will happen the day of the ruling is announced, which seems to involve an inordinate amount of praying:
8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.: Service/Blessing at St. Francis Lutheran Church (152 Church St, across from Safeway).
9:15 a.m. to 10 a.m.: March from Saint Francis to Civic Center Plaza.
9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.: California Supreme Court steps (400 McAllister Street) "Everyone is invited to stand with us on the steps to receive the ruling. If you are a couple that married, or wanted to marry and will speak to media, please email your name, contact information, phone number and story to Please bring your families and allies with you."
10:30 a.m.: Circle of Care at Civic Center Plaza. If, in fact, the prop 8 is upheld, Bay Area clergy and congregants will "engage in nonviolent civil disobedience immediately after receiving the ruling" Visit for more details."
Please follow these sites for more information: (SFist) (One Struggle One Fight)
BREAKING NEWS: Prop 8 Is To Be Upheld!
Source inside court: "We are getting slammed right now, so I can't talk long , but I stand by my earlier comment." link to comments: AZIRE
UPDATE: Our source will now say he is 100% sure the ruling will be upheld- Prop 8 will stand. He has gone on to say:
Source in court: "Looking at it (prop 8) there was never really a chance."
Lee Azire: What would you say the odds are now, after telling me what you did off the record, still 90%?
Source: "I would go further and say 100%" prop 8 will stand"
(Please remember that this is from ONE source, we have not been able to get a second source.)
For Full interview from May 20, 2009 click here
Dish Network Adds Logo

The New Masque of the Red Death?
"Come celebrate the start of Summer with color . . . and in costume!" the May 10 invitation says. "Dress in drag or as a gay icon. All are welcome." The invitation was attached to what was called an "All Hands Alerts" e-mail.
An embassy spokesman said by way of explanation: "This is an event organized and sponsored by a group of employees. Given the lack of places to meet in Baghdad, the embassy allows groups to use its social facilities for events on a first-come, first-served basis."
(RSVP: Sorry we can't make it, some guys outside the compound had some other ideas for us, but please go ahead and enjoy the party.)

Unequal Treatment Toward Gays Possible In Cayman Islands

Voters in the Cayman Islands on Wednesday, May 20 were electing a new parliament and deciding whether the British Caribbean territory should have a new constitution.
Voters also are deciding whether to adopt a new constitution that would establish the leader of government business as premier and set a limit of two consecutive terms. It also would increase parliamentarian seats from 15 to 18 and allow the islands to gain more autonomy from Britain.
Human rights activists oppose it because they say it would allow unequal treatment toward gays in regards to jobs, housing and medical treatment.
Election officials were still tallying ballots in the constitutional referendum Thursday night and it was not immediately clear when official results would be known.
Canadian Museum For Human Rights Holding Sessions To Add Contents
Over the next 12 months, the Content Advisory Committee (CAC) for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights will be holding sessions across Canada to provide Canadians with the opportunity to help develop the content of the Museum.
Illustration of the future Canadian Museum for Human Rights. (CMHR)
The aim of these sessions is to identify stories and perspectives that can be incorporated into the Museum, and to receive feedback on how the Museum can establish an ongoing dialogue with Canadians on important human rights issues.
The Canadian Museum for Human Rights was established to provide a place for Canadians, and the world, to explore and promote the subject of human rights and to encourage human rights action. It is the first national museum established in over 40 years, and it is the first national museum to be located outside the National Capital Region. It is projected to open in 2012.
For further information on the museum, visit:
Happy Birthday
Writer Picked To Write Palin's Book
But Vincent is also the author or co-author of a long list of books, one of the most recent, a 2006 hardback from Thomas Nelson, written with Robert Stacy McCain and titled Donkey Cons: Sex, Crime and Corruption in the Democratic Party."
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Republicans Want DOMA For DC
South Carolina Rep Greg Delleney, Jr Does Not Want Schools To Discuss Gay Violence

State representatives voted overwhelmingly Thursday to bar any mention of homosexual relationships in the new program for middle and high school students. The move was pushed by lawmakers who said they don’t want schools teaching about gay relationships and said they doubt those partnerships have high levels of abuse.
“I do not want the Department of Education or school districts teaching our children in grades six through 12 about same-sex relationships,” said Rep. Greg Delleney, SC a Chester Republican who pushed to make the violence prevention program apply only to heterosexual relationships. “I’m sure it would develop into that.”
Representative F. Gregory "Greg" Delleney, Jr.
District 43 - Chester & York Cos.
Contact Address: (H) P.O. Drawer 808, Chester, 29706
Bus. (803) 581-2211 Home (803) 385-3580
(C) 532C Blatt Bldg., Columbia, 29201
(127 West End, Chester, 29706)
E-Mail Address:
The measure, which was swiftly condemned by gay rights advocates passed the GOP-dominated House 75-25 and should head to the Senate next week. It initially was intended to curb youth violence in a state that consistently ranks high in the number of women killed by men.
Steve Ralls, national spokesman for Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays, said he had not heard of another state with an anti-dating violence program that excluded same-sex relationships.
“We are astounded that there are those who would prioritize their own homophobia ahead of the safety of the young people of South Carolina,” he said. “Lesbian and gay young people are often doubly vulnerable when they are in environments where they are disrespected and adults are sending clear messages that their well-being isn’t as important.”
Bill sponsor Rep. Joan Brady said excluding gay relationships is fine and declared that, “Traditional domestic violence occurs in a man-woman, boy-girl situation.”
White Night Riots Remembered
On May 21, 1979, 30 years ago today, the White Night Riots erupted in San Francisco as Dan White was given the most lenient sentencing possible for the assassinations of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Harvey Milk, the first elected openly gay politician in U.S. history.
When Milk’s friend Cleve Jones heard White was sentenced to only 7 1/2 years and could be out in as few as five years he hit the streets. With bullhorn in hand he led 500 people around Castro shouting, “Out of the bars and into the streets!” As people spilled out of the bars the crowd grew. Jones led approximately 5000 people to San Francisco City Hall where people called for the death of Dan White.
The crowd continued to grow as other gay neighborhoods led marches to city hall. After three hours of angry but otherwise peaceful chanting, the San Francisco police turned on the crowd with black tape covering their badges so they could not be identified. They beat the protesters with batons and tear gassed the crowed. Tired of years of violence against their community, they fought back using whatever they could find as a weapon, including tree trunks and even chunks of the street below their feet.
(Marriage Equity Blog-to read full story)
30 Years Ago Tonight, Lest We Forget
Michael Moore's New Documentary Opens Oct. 2nd
The announcement was made Thursday by Overture Films and Paramount Vantage.
The film is not yet titled. Moore earlier planned to make it more broadly about America as an empire. Instead, the documentary explores the causes of the global economic meltdown. Moore has called it "the biggest swindle in American history."
Glenn Beck Hides Inside Walled Compound

Glenn Lee Beck applied for a permit to build a six-foot wall around his$4.2 million estate at 1757 Ponus Ridge Road, New Canaan, Conn., 06840 last year, citing security concerns and claiming that he had been besieged by "angry audiences." Most homes in New Canaan are limited to four-foot fences.
But drag queens and angry lesbians can easily top four-foot barriers, so Beck asked the town for permission last year to completely encircle his home in a 6-foot wall, and he actually brought a security guard with him to the town meeting where his application was being considered because we are everywhere. Beck had begun construction of the wall prior to receiving permission from the town. I guess the law is only for us folk. (Whoopi and Barabra here is where to send the letters)
PFLAG Aawards 16 Scholarships

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) announced this week that it has awarded 16 scholarships. More than $30,000 will go to students across the U.S. who have made significant contributions to equality in their schools and communities.
This marks the sixth year that PFLAG has awarded the scholarships, which are funded by the Palmer B. Carson Trust and other private donors, including the Gay, Lesbian and Allies at Dow (GLAD) Employee Network, the Esera Tuaolo Scholarship fund, and the New York Gay Football League.
“Now, more than ever, PFLAG is extremely proud to honor these future community leaders and to honor their academic achievement, commitment to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) progress, and community service,” said Jody M. Huckaby, Executive Director of PFLAG. “LGBT students, and their allies, are overcoming unimaginable obstacles to succeed and prosper in their education. This year’s awardees have not only fought those obstacles, but have become role models for their communities and fellow students.”
Among the recipients of PFLAG’s National Scholarship Program awards are:
Thomas Gray , Sean Hudson, Kelsey DeForest, Shelagh Hardrich, Simone Getty, Jacob DeVine,Dena Wessel, Jesse Quinn, Jennifer Rokakis, Ryan Dykes, Francis Jordan.
Source: PFLAG
Illinois Poised To Approve Civil Unions
London Police Round Up 100 For Homophobic Hate Crimes

London's Metropolitan Police Service has carried out raids across London to crack down on domestic, homophobic, transphobic, race and other forms of hate crime – and over 100 people have been arrested.
Police focused on offenders who were known to them or who had evaded arrest in the past.
The police crackdown codenamed 'Operation Athena' was carried out to mark Sunday's International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.
"We retain a relentless commitment to tackling all forms of domestic violence, homophobic, transphobic and other forms of hate crime, whilst continually improving our services to victims and potential victims," explained Acting Detective Superintendent Gerry Campbell.
"Violence in any form is unacceptable. We will continue to proactively identify, arrest and seek the prosecution of violent people."
Over & Out: No more Out! magazine

After 34 years of sharing Kiwi gay community news, views, interviews and photos, the team behind New Zealand's longest-running gay male magazine has decided to end its print edition.
"We have to move with the times," Out! magazine editor Tony Katavich tells
The most recent issue, printed in February, has become the last issue ever, with no more editions planned to print.
"We're just following what everyone else is doing internationally," explains Katavich. "Times are tough for print media all over the world. We read of gay magazines closing every week."
Gay Mayor Resigns To Be With Lover

J.W. Lown has left his position as mayor of San Angelo to pursue a personal relationship.
Lown said in a telephone call late Wednesday afternoon from Mexico that he has started a relationship with someone who does not have legal status in the United States.
Lown said he did not want to take the oath of office knowing he was “aiding and assisting” someone who was not a citizen.
“I made the final decision when I knew it was the right decision to make for me and my partner and our future — and for the community,” he said.
The mayor declined to identify the person.
“I don’t want to give his name,” Lown said.
Lown was scheduled to take the oath of office Tuesday for his fourth term as mayor but did not appear at the event.

click to enlarge and read letter from mayor.
Churches To Accept Gay Workers In UK

Religious groups in ther UK are to be required to accept gay workers, secretaries and other staff under new anti-discrimination laws.
Church leaders had hoped to be able to push for anti-gay exemptions from the new laws but deputy equalities minister Maria Eagle has said the laws will cover almost all church employees.
Previously, any roles necessary "for the purposes of an organised religion" are exempt for gay protection laws.
But the Equality Bill will define this as applying only to those who lead the liturgy or spend the majority of the time teaching doctrine, such as ministers, bishops and their equivalents.
Warning Issued For IML Chicago Attendees

"Unwanted" posters to help IML attendees identify anti-gay and leather-obsessed freak shows Peter LaBarbera and Matt Barber. Print these images out. Take them with you to events and the host hotel. Post them wherever you are allowed. Do NOT let LaBarbera or Barber photograph unsuspecting IML attendees. Your photos may be used against you in a vicious smear campaign. Alert event organizers if you see either of the men on these posters.
Frank Lloyd Wright LEGO Sets

We got word today of the official announcement of the new line of licensed Frank Lloyd Wright LEGO sets! Created in conjunction with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Brickstructures, Inc. and the LEGO Architecture brand, the first two sets in the series are The Guggenheim and Fallingwater.
Bette Midler and 50 cent now BFFs

Last week Bette Midler was handing out dating tips to Jennifer Aniston. This week she's rolling with 50 Cent. Not only have the two become "unlikely best friends," but Bette says 50 has "really made my life worth living," and has been by her side "through thick and thin." She'd even like to sing backup on one of his new songs, too.
Gay's Written Out Of History Of Terrorist Attacks

Before the first World Trade Center Bombing in 1993, before the attack 9/11, Islamic terrorist struck the United States on our own soil for the first time, though I doubt anyone knows or remembers,that in April of 1990 a terrorist's bomb went off in Manhattan. There was no outrage, no flags raised, no monuments built in remembrance, instead we looked away.
Still today you would be hard pressed to find even a shred of information on the Internet about this attack, why? Why would this country seemingly ignore a terrorist attack in the United States? How would history have been change had people taken the attack more seriously? Would we still have two towers standing at the edge of Manhattan? Alas, no one can answer that, because almost no one voiced concern. On April 28, 1990 at 12:10a.m. a pipe bomb exploded at the gay bar, Uncle Charlie’s located at 56 Greenwich Avenue which subsequently was determined to be part of a Muslim terrorist ring targeting New York City landmarks and other venues – such as gay bars – which offended their religious beliefs. An April 28, 1990 article (“At Least 3 Injured in Blast At Bar in Greenwich Village”) from the New York Times states:
An explosion, possibly caused by a pipe bomb, injured at least three people early this morning at a bar in Greenwich Village, the police said. The blast occurred about 12:10 A.M. at Uncle Charlie's Downtown Bar at 56 Greenwich Avenue, said a police spokeswoman, Sergeant Tina S. Mohrmann. She described damage to the building as ''minor.'' Three men were taken to St. Vincent's Hospital, where they were listed in stable condition and expected to be released shortly . . . . The bomb squad was investigating, and initial reports indicated a pipe bomb may have caused the damage, Sergeant Mohrmann said. One patron at the nightspot, Frizzell Green, said he was standing at the bar when the blast went off in a trash can five to six feet from him, producing a cloud of smoke and sending debris in all directions. ''It was like a loud firecracker,'' he said. A bartender, who would not give his name, said he saw a pipe in the trash can after the explosion.
A January 14, 1995 article (“Man Accused in Terror Plot Bombed Gay Bar, U.S. Says”) by James C. McKinley Jr. from the New York Times states:
Federal prosecutors plan to present evidence that some of the 12 men charged in a terrorist conspiracy to blow up New York City landmarks were also responsible for a host of other crimes, including the 1990 bombing of a gay bar, international arms smuggling, drug trafficking and the attempted murder of Mikhail S. Gorbachev. In a letter from prosecutors to defense lawyers released yesterday, the prosecutors accuse El Sayyid A. Nosair, one of the alleged leaders of the terrorist ring, of bombing a Greenwich Village gay bar, Uncle Charlie's, on April 28, 1990, injuring three people. Mr. Nosair, who like the other defendants is Muslim, attacked the bar because he objected to homosexuality on religious grounds, according to the letter.
When will this country realize what happens to us happens to all of us.
IML Comes To Chicago

Mr. Leather contest is at the Chicago Hilton this Memorial Day weekend.
IML, which shares the weekend with Chicago’s Bear Pride, has grown exponentially in recent years. It began modestly when 400 leather lovers gathered at the Radisson in 1979. This year’s event, which kicks-off tomorrow, is expected to attract 15,000 leathermen and leatherwomen from all over the United States and the world to the Windy City. Fifty competitors will compete for the coveted title of International Mr. Leather.
Happy Birthday
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
EXCLUSIVE: Prop 8 Ruling Rescheduled For Tuesday

Lee Azire: I want to thank you again for agreeing to talk to me again. I know that I am pushing our friendship.
Source: Yeah, (laugh) you are. I never thought. (stops) never mind.
Lee Azire: No, go ahead.
Source: I never thought, it's just, that I would leak information from my job.
Lee Azire: Why are you? You could have said you didn't know anything when I first called you.
Source: Yes, but, you're persuasive. (chuckles)
Lee Azire: I'm not buying that, why did you tell me about the barricades when I first called you yesterday, and again this morning about the ruling being pushed back when the court realized the date was on the anniversary of the white riot?
Source:I want us (gay community) to be ready for this verdict, be prepared to react in a sane way.
Lee Azire: Why not tell a major news source? Why tell my month old blog? You could have reached a lot more people, or have you talked to others?
Source: No one else. You called at just the right time and I thought it would be over and done with today. When I told you that the barricades were for the ruling, I thought it would all be over today. And then when I came in this morning the whole situation had changed. And you called yelling that I was wrong.
Lee Azire: Alright then what happened today? Was it, as some have reported that Gavin Newsom stopped it?
Source: Definitely not. It is not done that way. The court does not take kindly to pressure, from anyone.
Lee Azire: Has there been pressure?
Source: Yeah, and then some. We get e-mails, calls, letters, it is amazing. I've been here a (redacted to protect source) and I've never seen anything this hot.
Lee Azire: Can you tell me when the court is going to rule?
Source:(long pause)
Lee Azire: Do you know?
Source: It's now scheduled for this Tuesday. Thinking today was it was after a long holiday, people would be out of town on the days prior, away from e-mails. On Tuesday, you know there would be the catch up at work after the holiday. People would have released a lot of energy you know, would inflammatory not being on the date (White Riot) and all. But, they (the court) can change the date again if they decide to. But, I don't think they will, not again.
Lee Azire: Do you know what it will say?
Source: No, the judges keep really tight on these cases. I doubt more than a handful of clerks even know the whole verdict.
Lee Azire: Any hints?
Source: I would say from the tenor and tone at work today it was not going to go our way.
Lee Azire: Is that just a guess or do you really know?
Source: I told you I don't know! But after you've been here(redacted to protect source) you learn the feel of the place.
Lee Azire: What was the "feel" that makes you think the ruling is in support of upholding prop 8?
Source: They moved the ruling date. Some worked late into the night. Things that just aren't done unless...It is just a feel.
Lee Azire: If you had to give a percent that they uphold prop 8 what would you guess?
Source: 80% to 90% It was a long shot to begin with.
Lee Azire: Wow, that high. Would you ever consider going on the record for us, with your name?
Source: Right, I would lose my job just like that. Never. (cursing and personal conversation redacted) I'm still a little pissed at you for sharing that I worked in the court.
Lee Azire: Sorry about that, another site kept saying the information was coming from the mayor's office (Gavin Newsom's), that I wanted to distance my report from that one. Anything else I should ask, or you want to share?
Source: I just want to go home eat and watch Idol.
Lee Azire: Thank you for talking to me again.
(personal conversation and good bye)
The Real Cost Of Being Gay
The cost of love isn't an abstract concept in my household: It's precisely $1,820 per year. That's the "gay tax" we shell out for me to be on my wife's health insurance plan, because her company must treat that benefit as additional taxable income.
Goldstein adds that "The media's primary focus on the morality debate around same-sex marriage means that most of the public, gay or straight, knows little about the very real economic costs of inequality."
Did California Supreme Court Pushes Back Release Of Ruling Due To Fear?

The California Supreme Court pushes back release of prop 8 decision due to twitter traffic and news reports about the date falling on White Night. Our source tells us that the court has now decided to push pack the ruling for another week or two fearing the ruling would inflame tensions if it ruled on the same date. He said, "tensions are running high and the court was asked to move date of ruling." IF that is true, it does not look good for marriage equity. It must be said that we have not been able to confirm this from another source.
Ireland Priests Molested Boys For 60 Years

It also found physical and emotional abuse and neglect were features of institutions.
Schools were run "in a severe, regimented manner that imposed unreasonable and oppressive discipline on children and even on staff".
The nine-year inquiry investigated a 60-year period.
About 35,000 children were placed in a network of reformatories, industrial schools and workhouses up to the 1980s.
Obama To Back DOMA?

Last March, a federal lawsuit was filed in Boston challenging the law which bars the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriage. The Justice Department has until June 22 to respond to the lawsuit. So far there has been no comment from either the department or the White House.
The Department of Justice typically defends laws passed by Congress. But during the election campaign, then-candidate Obama pledged to overturn the ban.
A grassroots online campaign called Equal Rep has begun to pressure the administration to keep his campaign promise by asking Attorney General Eric Holder “not to defend this unconstitutional law.” Blogger Emma Ruby-Sachs helped craft the legal memo to Obama, which states in part, “The President reserves the right to refuse to defend an unconstitutional statute. Section 3 of the DOMA is clearly unconstitutional in that it denies married same-sex couples economic benefits granted to heterosexual married couples from the same state without providing a rational basis for this discrimination. ”
The Web site includes a cut-out mailer urging the president not to flip flop on the issue.
Joe The Tool Plumber Bashes Gays Again
Joe is worried about his son seeing an act of love while the world worries for the child that is being brought up by a homophobe. This is exactly how prejudices and bigotry is perpetuated, teaching it to children. It is the equivalent of child abuse to teach a child to hate and take advantage of their undeserved privileges. (Joe STFU)
Nevada's Governor To Veto Gay Partners Bill

"The Nevada legislature has successfully passed two gay rights bills, one that outlaws job discrimination based on sexual orientation, and another that establishes domestic partnerships for gay couples.
But Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons has said he will veto the domestic partnership bill, which would give same-sex couples equal rights to married partners in areas like estate planning, medical decisions, community property and child custody."
Happy Birthday
California Proposition 8 Ruling Will Be Thursday According To Source

Barricades were dropped off in San Francisco's Castro District as well as in San Diego. Is this it? People are asking across Twitter and in chat rooms.
A California official told us off the record that, "Yeah, they're doing it Thursday", referring to the proposition 8 ruling from the court. We can NOT get a second source to verify this comment.
We will know around 10a.m. when the Court posts its list of rulings for the next day.
As has been pointed out by many people Thursday will also be the 30th anniversary of the White Night Riots, and Friday is Harvey Milk's birthday. Could this be a good omen?
Obama To Military Hero: You're Fired!
He's being fired.
(Does no one know that our troops already serve with gays, we are in the UN and many countries that are members let gays serve)
Anti Gay Marriage Can't Find Support In New York
The State Assembly had just voted to legalize same sex marriage, after gay rights groups flooded the Legislature with visits, phone calls and e-mail messages. Where, he wanted to know, was the other side?
“Wake up! Where are you?” Mr. Hikind, an outspoken opponent of gay marriage, said in an interview. “It’s the bottom of the ninth, two outs, and you’re losing — big time.”
As the Legislature considers whether to make New York the next state to legalize same-sex marriage, social conservatives have been largely missing from the debate in Albany.
Glee Premieres On Fox
The storylines and acting are fine, but truly, Glee succeeds mostly on the super-fun musical performances. Which makes it completely genius that Fox already has the best two numbers -- covers of Amy Winehouse's "Rehab" and Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" -- available on iTunes already.
"Rehab" is performed by a rival glee club, which the show's main, struggling glee club goes to scope out at a competition. I know Amy Winehouse would be proud.
Glee will have a full run in the fall.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
New Zealand Man Giving Free Gun Making Designs To Gay-Haters

Using the name 'John Wilson' and contactable through a NZ email address, according to today's Sunday Star Times, the man says he lives in Auckland. He told a reporter the pen gun, which has been manufactured by "a friend," fires a .22 calibre bullet and, although low powered, "would still kill if you know how." It is apparently easy to make using basic equipment.
The weapon is being advertised through a British website which contains rants against gays and ethnic minorities. The NZ police have been advised as it is illegal to possess homemade guns under the NZ Firearms Act.
Police Fly Rainbow Flag In England

Four police forces in England flew the rainbow flag this week to mark International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.
In Merseyside, all 41 stations showed their support for the anniversary of the World Health Organisation removing homosexuality from its list of mental disorders.
Merseyside chief constable Bernard Hogan-Howe helped raise one above his force's Liverpool headquarters, which was lit up with rainbow-coloured lights.
Greater Manchester Police flew the flag from the force's headquarters, along with Cheshire Constabulary and Essex, where it was raised at the force's training college in Chelmsford.
Tennessee Cuts Off Students From Pro-Gay Websites

The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Tennessee filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday against two Tennessee school districts, charging the schools are unconstitutionally blocking students from accessing online information about LGBT issues.
The lawsuit names Knox County Schools and Metropolitan Nashville Schools and was filed on behalf of two high school students in Nashville, one student in Knoxville and a high school librarian in Knoxville who is also the advisor of the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA).
Students at Knox County and Metro Nashville schools and others are being denied access to content that is protected speech under the First Amendment as well as the Tennessee state constitution, the lawsuit says.
Aussie Chicken Hawk Kills Chicken
Opening the state's case in the West Australian Supreme Court yesterday, prosecutor Bruno Fiannaca said Mr Heijne strangled Frank Cianciosi, his partner of 25 years, and then placed the body under the covers of his bed.
He then set the airconditioner of their multi-million-dollar riverside penthouse in East Perth to 16C to preserve the body, Mr Fiannaca told a jury. He said Mr Heijne, now 45, later went to the house of his young lover, whose name has been suppressed, lay on his bed and told him, "I have killed Frank", before demonstrating how he had strangled him.
(Insert joke here)
Bishop Denounces Homophobia

Church of Ireland Bishop of Cork, the Right Reverend. Paul Colton took part in a service on Sunday to mark International Day Against Homophobia.
The service at St Finbarr’s Cathedral, Cork on May 17 was arranged by the Christian pro-gay group Changing Attitude Ireland.
According to Dr Richard O’Leary of Changing Attitude Ireland “Homophobia is an issue for Irish society generally, but even more so in churches, where there has been a tradition of prejudice against persons who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered.
Michael Savage Says MSNBC Would Have Worked For Hitler
Happy Birthday
Author, screenwriter and director Nora Ephron turns 68 today. PBS NewsHour host Jim Lehrer is 75. British model Lily Cole is 21. Pete Townshend of The Who is 64.
Catholic Priest's Marry Gay Couple In Colombia

"Fabian Mauricio Romero Chibcha and Javier, who prefers not to be fully named, received blessings by three priests who belong to the Catholic Missionary St. Pablo Church, a faction of the Catholic Church.
Fabian and Javier live together for two years and signed a de facto marital union certificate, as same-sex marriage is not legal in Colombia.
"We accept the challenge to bless this couple because they are children of God", father Diego said to El Espectador minutes before the ceremony, which does not symbolize the sacrament of marriage but rather presents the relationship with the religious community.
The Vatican does not accept gay relationships. Monsignor Francisco Nieto, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Bogoto, declared the union of Javier and Fabian "unacceptable". Bishop Nieto also criticized the Colombian Constitutional Court for recognizing the rights of gay couples.
Fabian became the first homosexual partner of a policeman to receive benefits from the police service since Colombia's Constitutional Court granted equal civil, political, social and economic rights to gay couples in January."
Hearing Postponed Again For Lawrence King's Accused Killer

A preliminary hearing has been postponed again for a 15-year-old boy charged with fatally shooting gay student Larry King in an Oxnard classroom.
A Ventura County Superior Court judge on Monday reset the first hearing for Brandon McInerney to July 8.
The boy is accused of killing his eighth-grade classmate, Larry King, on Feb. 12, 2008, at E.O. Green School.
McInerney's lawyer, Scott Wippert, says he needs more time to prepare documents before the preliminary hearing.
McInerney, who is being prosecuted as an adult, has pleaded not guilty.
In March, the boy's father was found dead at his home, just hours before McInerney was scheduled to appear at a hearing. Authorities say the father likely fell on a concrete floor and hit his head. (So sad on so many levels)
U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Medical Marijuana Right In California

The state of California, in an effort to systematize the 1996 voter-approved initiative, required localities to implement identification card programs for patients with doctor approval in 2004. Such ID cards are required to enter medical marijuana shops in California and can be shown to police officers who find patients in possession of marijuana.
The Supreme Court ruling, following the Obama administration's decision not to raid medical marijuana clubs acting in accordance with state law, removes one of the last barriers to full implementation of the state law.
ASA has now given notice to 10 conservative holdout counties (Colusa, Madera, Mariposa, Modoc, Mono, San Bernardino, San Diego, Solano, Stanislaus, and Sutter) of their legal obligation to implement the ID card program.
ASA has now given notice to 10 the conservative holdout counties of their legal obligation to implement the ID card program.
Grassroots Equality Network Endorses Rockstar Boycott

"Grassroots Equality Network has decided to officially endorse a boycott of Rockstar Energy Drink.
Why is Rockstar worth boycotting? Rockstar was Created by Michael(Weiner)Savage and his wife Janet. Janet is the current CFO, and their son Russell is the CEO.
Janet Weiner:
Gained some notoriety in 2001 when they stumbled across a pair of filmmakers videotaping cops rousting some panhandlers in North Beach. With foul language, they accused the filmmakers -- who taped the entire confrontation -- of being "communist scum" contributing to "this filthy, drug- ridden vermin city." "Leave the police alone, you a--," Savage said, according to one published account of the incident. "Let them do their f-- jobs. Who the hell are you? You're nobody. You're garbage. You're street s-- . . . . You're f-- vermin." The police, who had given their permission for the filming, ultimately told Savage and Weiner to move on.
Michael (Weiner)Savage:
On his February 26, 2007 broadcast, Savage commented on Melissa Etheridge's acceptance speech for Best Original Song at the Academy Awards, in which she thanked her long time partner Tammy Lynn Michaels, with whom she has raised two children. He said, "I don't like a woman married to a woman. It makes me want to puke...I want to vomit when I hear it. I think it's child abuse."
On his March 20, 2007 Savage Nation talk show, he referred to a transgender murder victim as a "freak" and a "psychopath," stating that the victim "should have been in a back ward in a strait jacket for years, howling on major medication... What's this sympathy, constant sympathy for sexually confused people? Why should we have constant sympathy for people who are freaks in every society? I didn't say hurt the freaks. I didn't say do anything to the freaks. But you know what? You're never gonna make me respect the freak. I don't want to respect the freak. The freak ought to be glad that they're allowed to walk around without begging for something."
On the air, he says he is worried about "degenerates on the left who want to sell Americans on the idea that homosexuality, bisexuality, trans-sexuality, even sex with animals is normal."
Host of a conservative radio show that is heard by the third largest amount of stations, behind Rush and Sean Hannity
Co-Founder the Paul Revere Society with his son Russell.
Russell Weiner:
was raised by both bigot parents, and co founded the Paul Revere Society which stands for
Make tax cuts permanent.
Close the borders now.
Deport all illegal immigrants now.
Eliminate bilingual education in all states.
Require health tests for all recent foreign born immigrants.
Lets make this clear, we are not supporting a full boycott of their distributor PepsiCo. due to their historic track record of being very supportive of the LGBT community
What can you do to help with the boycott?
Spread the word- Tell all of your friends about the creators and current leadership of Rockstar."
For more information on this boycott or on Grassroots Equality Network click here.